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In Japan, meals are mainly eaten with “hashi,” which are called chopsticks in English.
(日本では主に、英語で chopsticks と呼ばれる「箸」を使って食事をします。)

Japanese chopsticks are usually made of wood or bamboo.

There are also disposable wooden chopsticks that are split into two.

Chopsticks are not only used when eating rice and side dishes but also noodles, like soba and udon.

If you can hold chopsticks properly, you can fully enjoy Japanese cuisine.

If you can use chopsticks correctly, you should easily be able to grasp small objects such as beans or grains of rice one at a time.

You have to lift “ochawan” (a rice bowl) or “owan” (a miso soup bowl) from the table when eating.

You should not put your elbow on the table while eating.

You should not leave a single grain of rice in your bowl.

“If it can’t be eaten with chopsticks, it’s not genuine Japanese food.”

お箸の持ち方 / How to hold chopsticks


Step 1. Hold a stick like a pencil

Pick up a single chopstick and hold it between your thumb and your index finger, like a pencil.

This is how to hold the upper chopstick.

Step 2. Insert the second stick

Next, take the second chopstick, slip it between the upper stick and the base of your thumb so that it is touching the third finger, and then line up the tips of the chopsticks.

Step 3. Done!

This is considered the easiest and most elegant way to hold chopsticks.

Move the upper chopstick with your index and middle fingers.

In grasping food items, only the upper chopstick should be moved up and down.

This time, try not to move the bottom chopstick.

Some points to consider / 留意点

Chopsticks should be held at about two-thirds of the length up from the tips. 

The upper stick should be supported by the first joint of the middle finger.

The bottom stick should be naturally supported by the third finger and the little finger.

When you use chopsticks, don’t move your thumb or your third finger which is holding the bottom stick.

Keep chopsticks in a parallel position and avoid crossing them.

お箸の間違った使い方 / Japanese Chopsticks Taboos 

There are a few taboos regarding chopsticks.

“Hahiutsushi” and “Tatebashi” are associated with funeral customs.

箸移し / Hashiutsushi

Never pass food directly from your chopsticks to another person’s chopsticks.

This resembles a custom at Japanese funerals when cremated bones are ceremoniously transferred to the urn.

It is considered the biggest taboo at the Japanese dinner table.

立て箸 / Tatebashi

You should not stick chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice, as it looks like an offering to a dead person.

迷い箸 / Mayoibashi

When the table is filled with delicious-looking dishes, you may wonder what to pick first. But you should not wave your chopsticks above food while deciding what to eat.

刺し箸 / Sashibashi

You should not stab food with your chopsticks.

寄せ箸 / Yosebashi

You should not use your chopsticks to pull dishes toward you.

ねぶり箸 / Neburibashi

You should never lick your chopsticks.

指し箸 / Sashibashi

You should not point at someone or something with chopsticks.

探り箸 / Saguribashi

You should not dig in a bowl to find a piece of food.

涙箸 / Namidabashi

You should not carry food dripping from soup or sauce with your chopsticks.

ちぎり箸 / Chigiribashi

You should not hold each chopstick in a different hand and use them to tear food apart.


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