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英語で説明する仏教とお寺 編に続き、日本の仏教の一部の宗派と開祖についての簡単な英語表現をご紹介していきます。




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・聖者:saint(肩書きのときは Saint と大文字にします)
・僧侶:Buddhist priest(祭祀等の諸行事を司る)
・修行僧:Buddhist monk
・仏教の経典:sutra または Buddhist scriptures
・密教:esoteric Buddhism
・宗派:sect, school, denomination など
・成仏する:attain Buddhahood
・極楽浄土:pure land
・坐禅:seated meditation
・解脱:emancipation from worldly attachments




The Hossō Sect was one of the six denominations of Buddhism during the Nara period in Japan.

The Hossō Sect was introduced to Japan by a Japanese monk named Dōshō who studied in China with the monk Genjo (Sanzō-Hōshi).
(法相宗は、玄奘 (三蔵法師)の弟子として中国で学んだ日本の僧侶、道昭によって日本に伝えられました。)

The headquarters of the Hosso Sect are Kōfuku-ji Temple and Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture.

The Hossō Sect says: “All things only exist within our consciousness, nothing exists outside of our mind.”


The founder of the Kegon Sect of Japan is said to have been Ryōben, originally a scholar of the Hossō Sect, who invited Shinjo, a Korean priest, to give lectures on the Kegon Sutra at Konshu-ji, the origin of later Tōdai-ji.

The Kegon Sutra/Scripture describes the teachings of Birushana Buddha.

The Kegon Sect says: “Any living being is capable of attaining enlightenment.”

The headquarters of the Kegon Sect is Tōdai-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture.

The Daibutsu (Giant statue of Birushana Buddha) is the symbol of Tōdai-ji.

Tōdai-ji Temple is one of the largest wooden buildings in the world.

Tōdai-ji is popular as a destination for school trips.



The Ritsu Sect was introduced to Japan by a Chinese monk named Ganjin in 754.

The headquarters of the Ritsu Sect is Tōshodai-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture.

The Ritsu Sect focuses on Buddhist precepts.








The Shingon Sect was founded by a Japanese monk named Kūkai, also known as Kōbō-Daishi.

The Shingon Sect is based on Mikkyo.

Kūkai established/founded Kongōbu-ji on Mt. Kōya as the center of the Shingon Sect.

In Shikoku, there are 88 sacred temples associated with Kūkai.

The act of traveling around to visit all these temples is called “o-henro” (pilgrimage).



The Tendai Sect was founded by a Japanese monk named Saicho, also known as Dengyo-Daishi.

The Tendai Sect focuses on Hokekyō (the Lotus Sutra).


The Nichiren Sect’s main doctrine is the Lotus Sutra (Myoho-Renge-Kyo).

The Nichiren Sect’s principal image is a Mandala drawn by Nichiren, the founder of the Nichiren Sect.

Believers of the Nichiren Sect chant the title of the main doctrine, “Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.”





つまり浄土仏教は、この「他力 = 衆生を悟りに導く阿弥陀仏の加護」を絶対としています。

仏教の「極楽浄土」は英語で、the (Buddhist) pure land と訳されます。



The Jōdo Sect was founded by a Japanese monk named Hōsen in the Kamakura period.

The Jōdo Sect emphasizes the importance of chanting nembutsu (invocations to Buddha).

Believers of Jōdo Buddhism chant “Nam Amida Butsu” and wish to attain Buddhahood by the power of the long-cherished desire of Amida.

“Namu” means “to embrace,” and “Amida-Butsu” means “in Amida Buddha.” 

attain Buddhahood で、「(仏教において)成仏する」という意味です。



The Jōdo-Shin Sect was founded by Hōsen’s disciple Shinran.

Shinran denied the necessity of jiriki (one’s own power) and preached absolute reliance on tariki (the other power of Amida Buddha).

The Jōdo-Shin Sect says: “If we only have faith in Amida Buddha, we have already been saved.”


if ●● but . . . は、「●●が . . . しさえすれば」という表現です。





Zen Buddhism was founded in China by a semi-legendary Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma.

The Rinzai Sect, the Sōtō Sect and the Ōbaku Sect belong to Zen Buddhism.

Zen Buddhism teaches that enlightenment can be realized only through Zen meditation and training in calming the self.

The Rinzai Sect was founded by a Japanese monk named Eisai.

The Rinzai Sect contributed to the development of suiboku-ga (Indian-ink painting) and karesansui (a dry landscape garden).

※ 枯山水は他に、zen rock garden または Japanese rock garden などの言い方があります。

The Sōtō Sect was founded by a Japanese monk named Dōgen.

Dōgen preached that the purpose of seated meditation is to eliminate all thoughts and completely become a Buddha.

The teachings of Zen Buddhism had a great effect on samurai spirits and traditional Japanese culture, such as sadō (tea ceremony) and kadō (flower arrangement).

Shojin ryori, Japanese vegetarian cuisine, began to develop in conjunction with the expansion of Zen Buddhism.

Zen is a short form of “the Zen sect” and sometimes refers to “zazen”.



坐禅は、そのまま zazen でも通じることが多いですが、英語では seated meditation と訳されます。


Zazen, a form of seated meditation, is one of the ways of training in Zen Buddhism.

Zazen originated in India and was introduced to Japan by way of China in around the 13th century.

Zazen is a training in Zen Buddhism in which one meditates deeply while sitting in a correct posture in order to achieve/reach a state of spiritual enlightenment.

Zen Buddhism does not rely on Buddhist doctrine and emphasizes the importance of the practice of Zen meditation as a way to eliminate worldly desires.

Zazen aims to discard the ego and enter a spiritual state of nothingness.

During zazen, one must adjust their breathing and stop all judgmental thoughts.

You can experience Zen meditation at some Zen temples.


仏教の宗派をそれぞれ見ていきますと、いずれも「苦難だらけの現世からの解脱」という目的は同じでも、その手段は「念仏」「坐禅」「厳しい修行」. . . と、考え方に違いがあることが分かります。

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