
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



celebrate は、特別な日や事柄などを「祝う」、儀式や式典などを「挙行する」という意味です。

We celebrated his birthday.

Next year, we will celebrate their wedding in San Diego.

Yesterday was my husband’s birthday, so we celebrated it with a special dinner.


congratulate は、喜びや成功、幸運などのことで人を祝う、お祝いを述べるという意味で、congratulate A on/for B などで表します。名詞形は congratulation です。

I warmly congratulate you.

I congratulate you on this success.

 I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

Congratulations to a wonderful couple!


wish は名詞で「願い・望み」、動詞で「心で強く願う」という意味です。

Best wishes for your wedding.

I wish you all the best.

Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

I wish you all the best in your future success.



・Happy birthday!
・Wishing you all the best.:幸運を祈っています。
・Best wishes! /Many happy returns!:おめでとう!
・Enjoy your special day!:特別な日を楽しんでください。
・Best wishes on your birthday!:素敵なお誕生日をお過ごしください。
・I hope you have a great birthday! :素敵なお誕生日でありますように。
・May your birthday be as beautiful as you are.:あなたのように美しい誕生日でありますように。

My mother’s birthday is next week.

What do you want for your present?

What should I give her as a birthday present?

It’s your thoughts that count.

Here’s your birthday present. I hope you like it.

How did you know what I wanted?

I bought a new PC for my son.

My five-year-old grandson drew a picture for me on my birthday.

My sister received a beautiful set of cooking tools as a wedding gift.

Close your eyes and open your hand. I’ll give you something good.

I can’t give him anything. He already has everything.

Please make me a colorful bouquet for about 30 dollars.
(30ドルくらいでカラフルなブーケを作ってください。→ お花屋さんにて)


欧米では、年賀状の代わりにクリスマースカードを贈るのが一般的で、クリスマスのお祝いの言葉とともに、例えば I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. などと書きます。

・Happy New Year!:明けましておめでとう!
・Cheers to a new year!:新年に乾杯!
・Have a Happy New Year! / With best New Year’s wishes!:素敵な新年を!
・I wish you all the best for 20XX.:20XX年が素敵な年になりますように。
・May this be a happy and fruitful year.:あなたにとって幸福で素晴らしい一年になりますように。

Come celebrate the New Year with good food and good times!

Please join us for a fun gathering to ring in the New Year.

He called her to wish her a happy New Year.



Congratulations on passing the exam!

I have pride in my heart.

I heartily congratulate you on passing all your exams.

I’m happy to be able to share this exciting time with you.

Congratulations on the award! It couldn’t have gone to a more worthy individual.


・heartily:❶快活に、元気よく ❷完全に、すっかり
・worthy:〜に値する、(名詞の前で) 立派な、尊敬すべき
・individual:【名詞】(集団に対する) 個人、個体 /【形容詞】(名詞の前で) 個々の、単一の、それぞれの


Congratulations on your engagement!

I’m so happy to hear that you’re getting married soon.

Congratulations on your marriage/wedding!

I wish you a happy life together.
I wish you a long happy time together.

I wish you all the best on your new journey.

You’ll make a great couple.

I can’t wait to see you in the wedding dress.

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary!



Congratulations on the birth of your (sweet) baby/daughter/son!

I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your Elena and wish you and your family a happy life.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart that your wife gave birth to a cute baby.


・from the bottom of my heart:心の底から


Congratulations on opening your new restaurant!

I am really happy that your dream came true.

We warmly congratulate you on starting your company.

I wish you every success and prosperity in your new business.

I support you as much as possible.


・prosperity:繁栄、(経済面での) 成功
・as much as possible:出来る限り


I’d like to congratulate you on your promotion.

I am delighted to hear of your promotion.

I’m really excited to hear about your well-deserved promotion.

I wish you every success in your new position.

We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.


・well-deserved:(名誉・賞・罰などを) 受けるに値する
・endeavor:努力、(新しい) 試み


Thank you for your email.

Thank you so much for the birthday present!

I am so lucky to have a friend like you.

Congratulations! You have been drawn for a $25 gift card!
(おめでとうございます。25ドル相当の商品券に当選されました! → draw引く・(偶然に) 選ぶ」の受動態)

I made a short speech at his award ceremony.


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