【英語】人物描写の表現① − 見た目と服装

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


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↓ 人の性格や人柄などを描写する英語表現はこちら


He is quite a good-looking guy.

He is sexy and has mysterious eyes.

She looks very smart.

She is strikingly gorgeous.

He excites/stimulates my maternal instinct.

He is very elegant and sophisticated.

She has grown into a beautiful woman.


・stimulate:(活動・感情・体の器官などを) 刺激する、活性化させる
・maternal instinct:母性本能
・sophisticated:(人が) 洗練された、高い教養のある (機器・技術などが) 精巧な、高度な(芸術作品などが) 手の込んだ、高級な


He has blue/brown eyes.
(彼は青い / 茶色い目をしている。)

John has bushy eyebrows/beard.
(ジョンは眉毛 / あご髭が濃い。)

My daughter is round-faced.

He has short black hair and a slender face.

Hercule Poirot has a mustache.

She has fair skin.
(彼女の肌は色白だ。→ 欧米では健康的な小麦肌が好まれることが多いため、white は使わない方が無難)

He is tanned.

She has a mole under her left eye.

He has a birthmark on his forehead.

He has prominent teeth.

My father has a double chin.

The old man has no upper front teeth.

The culprit has a scar on his cheek from an accident.


・bushy:(体毛・眉毛などが) 濃い、フサフサの
・birthmark:(生まれつきの) アザ、ほくろ
・prominent:(身体の部位などが) 突き出した
・scar:(切り傷・火傷などの) 傷跡


Emily has beautiful long hair / golden hair.
(エミリーは長く美しい髪 / 金色の髪をしている。)

He has bedhead.
His hair is a bit messy.

She has medium-length hair.

He is a handsome, tall, and dark-haired man.

Her short hair suits her personality the most.

My father is thinning on top.

My mother’s hair is getting gray.


・have bedhead:寝癖がついている
・messy:(場所などが) 散らかっている、(状況などが) 不快な、厄介な
・thin:【形容詞】薄い、痩せた、細い /【自動詞】(気体・液体・毛髪などが) 薄くなる


My younger brother is taller than me.

John is the tallest in our class.

He is tall, about six feet two.

My son is now as tall as me.

He is of average build.
He is an average-built man.

He is an elderly, bow-legged man.

He used to be curvy, but now he’s thin and slender.

Her legs are long! I‘m jealous!

She has a nice figure and looks like a model.



・average build:中肉中背の
・used to:かつては〜だった、〜していた (≠ be used to「〜に慣れている」との違いに注意してください)
・curvy:ぽっちゃりした (太っている婉曲表現として、他に shapely や plump などがあります)
・figure:体型、体格 (※ 女性に対して使います)


She’s in her early 20s.

He looks in his mid-40s.

He looks old for his age.

She is probably a little younger than me.

His son is in the second grade of junior high school.

She is three years older than her husband.

I think he is between 30 and 35 years old.

You can’t tell her age from the way she looks.


He is always fashionably dressed.

His style is quite unique.

My father wears a hat every day.

Her red shoes go well with the dress.

She is wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans.

He rarely wears a tie.

He wears a polka-dot tie.

Only he can pull that outfit off.
That would look good only on him.

He doesn’t care how he looks.
Appearance doesn’t matter to him.
(彼は外見に無頓着な人だ。→「(〜にとって) どうでもいい」という意味)


・pull something off:(普通はなかなか出来ないことを) 何とかやり遂げる、うまく行く
・A does not matter to B:A は B にとってどうでもいい


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