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英語で説明する日本の縁起物 に続き、今回は「だるま」を英語で説明する表現をご紹介します。




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  • Dharuma(達磨)または daruma
  • Daruma doll
  • a red round-shaped doll
  • a red Japanese tumbler doll
  • a traditional wishing doll
  • a Japanese self-righting daruma doll
  • traditional Japanese doll which imitates Bodhidharma

「起き上がり小法師」と同じ仕組みをもつ人形は海外にもありますので、tumbler dollself-righting doll と言えば伝わるでしょう。

a Japanese red tumbler doll modeled after Bodhidharma

a red round-shaped doll/figure that imitates Bodhidharma

Daruma doll in the shape of Bodhidharma sitting in zen meditation
(菩提達磨の坐禅の姿を模した人形 → 「〜のかたちをした」)

 “Daruma” is a traditional Japanese tumbler doll representing Bodhidharma, who founded Zen Buddhism in the 6th century.

Daruma is a doll without hands and feet, representing “zazen” (sitting meditation) posture of Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism.

Daruma is loved by the Japanese as a talisman.



Bodhidharma was an Indian priest who founded Zen Buddhism in the 6th century.

It is said that Bodhidharma sat meditating on a rock for nine years and his arms and legs became paralyzed when he reached enlightenment.

There is a legend that Bodhidharma’s legs were rotten because he meditated continuously on top of a rock for nine years with his legs crossed, and he became unable to walk.

The common red color of daruma dolls is based on an Indian priest’s dress.


It is considered a symbol of perseverance because Daruma always comes upright every time it tumbles.

Daruma dolls have a round shape and a weighted base so that they will always roll back upright when pushed over, symbolizing a spirit of never giving up.

Merchants often use it, hoping for success in their business, as Daruma always bounces back to an upright position when it’s pushed over.

Daruma is regarded as a symbol of perseverance and reaching the objective, as it always stands up positively. 

Daruma is a lucky charm for promoting better fortune, the flourishing of business, and so on.


It is customary to paint in only the left eye first, and then paint in the right eye when one’s wishes have come true.

The eyes of the daruma are blank white at first, the owner fills in the left eye while making a wish and fills in the right eye when the wish has come true.

There is a custom of painting in the left eye at first and painting in the right eye when a wish has been fulfilled.

After your wish has been fulfilled, you are supposed to take your daruma to a temple that offers a cremation ritual. But many people prefer to collect them.


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