【英語】面白い・笑い に関する表現

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

喜び・幸せ の英語表現 に続き、今回は英語で 面白い・笑い などに関する表現をご紹介します。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



They laughed out loud.

This joke always gets a laugh.

I‘m in tears from laughing so hard!

My stomach hurts from laughing so hard.

The whole audience burst out laughing/burst into laughter.

couldn’t help but laugh when I listened to his story.

Everybody in the picture is smiling happily.

I can laugh about that now.

People laugh at you when you tell them that.

Laughter is the best medicine.

He has a good sense of humor.

It’s no laughing matter.
That isn’t something to be laughing at.

He who laughs last laughs best.
(諺:最後に笑う者が最もよく笑う。→ 「早まって喜ぶな」という意味)


・cannot help but:〜せずにはいられない
・burst out doing:突然〜し始める


This book is a real page-turner.

This comic book is very amusing.

That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.

His new novel is entertaining and instructive.

That professor’s lectures are interesting, stimulating, absorbing, and life-changing.

I know the punchline, but the story is funny no matter how many times I hear it.


・stimulating:(話・体験などが) 刺激的な、興味をかき立てる
・absorbing:(時間が経つのも忘れるほど) 夢中にさせる、面白い
・punchline:(冗談・笑い話などの) オチ


Today was a good/fun day.
(今日は良い / 楽しい日でした。)

They are having the time of their lives.

Have a nice flight!

Traveling is interesting and fun.

Did you enjoy your weekend?

I had a very good time at the party last night.

Nothing is more delightful to me than ●●.

It is a real pleasure to listen to him.

I had a very enjoyable and valuable experience.

It was a very interesting experience and I didn’t think it would be so much fun.

I like my work a lot. So I’m having fun every day.

He came to enjoy life in the quiet of the countryside away from the bustle of New York.


・nothing is more A than B:B ほど A なものはない
・delightful:(物・事・人が) 人を愉快にする、喜びを与える、気持ちを良くするような
・valuable:❶金銭的価値の高い ❷有益な、ためになる


I look forward to hearing from him.

I’m getting excited.

I’m excited to be going abroad tomorrow.

I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep last night.

The audience was trembling with joy during the concert.

The spectators were excited at the decisive game.

He told us a breathtaking adventure story.


・look forward to 名詞/動名詞:〜を楽しみにする
・tremble with:(恐怖・寒さ・興奮などに) 震える
・decisive:(勝利などが) 決定的な、決め手となる


He enjoyed a short-lived joy.

Don’t laugh at other people’s failure.

She is the kind of person who takes pleasure in the misery of others.




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