
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


海外の有名コーヒーショップなどでも、抹茶のフレーバーは大変人気があり、matcha で十分通じるようになってきています。


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Green tea is sometimes called “nihoncha,” and the best green tea is said to be that from Shizuoka Prefecture and the Uji region of Kyoto.

Usually, “nihoncha” refers to ordinary green tea.

The tea leaves used for green tea are the same as for black tea or oolong tea, but green tea is made from unfermented leaves.

Tea leaves contain a fermentation-causing enzyme.

Green tea is classified as gyokuro, sencha, bancha, etc. depending on cultivation processes, harvest time, and manufacturing process.

Green tea leaves are steamed soon after they have been picked to stop the fermentation.

Oolong tea is a half-fermented tea and is made by roasting the leaves in the middle of the fermentation process.

Western tea leaves are fermented by the enzyme contained in the leaves, so their color is blackish.

Green tea is said to have many health benefits.

As Buddhist priests originally used green tea for medicinal purposes, it is known to include catechin and is considered to be very healthful.

Catechin fights viruses and even lowers your cholesterol.

During the Edo era (about 300 years ago), green tea became a popular drink for common people.

Green tea is casually drunk with meals and sweets.

Green tea has a bitter and slight sweetness.

In Japan, sugar is not added to green tea.

Gyokuro is high class tea.


Nihoncha (Japanese tea) is roughly divided into sencha (green tea), matcha (powdered green tea), and hōjicha (roasted tea).

Japanese tea includes other varieties such as sencha, matcha, hoojicha, genmaicha, and mugicha.

Sencha is drunk most often and is made from soft young leaves.

Genmaicha (brown rice green tea) is made by adding roasted brown rice to sencha.

Bancha (coarse green tea) is made from large leaves left after the leaves for sencha are picked.

Hōjicha (roasted tea) is often made by toasting bancha.


1. Boil the drinking water.

2. Pour hot water into a teacup to let it slightly cool.

3. Put two spoons of the leaves in a small teapot and pour warm water into it.

4. Leave the tea leaves to infuse for about a minute. If you like a stronger taste, you can brew a little longer, but watch out, over brewing can cause bitterness.

5. Pour them evenly, little by little into each cup. This makes the strength of the tea the same in each cup.

6. Enjoy your deliciously refreshing Green Tea!

抹茶 / Powdered green tea

finely ground powder of green tea leaves

Matcha is used for the Japanese tea ceremony.

Matcha is also used for sweets such as cakes and parfaits.

To make matcha, you need a special whisk.

The whisk is called a “chasen.”

In the tea ceremony, hot water is poured into “matcha.”

Then, the tea is quickly stirred with a chasen (bamboo whisk).


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