英語で説明する ひな祭り① ー 桃の節句の説明・由来と歴史・雛人形

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ひな祭りは一般的に、Doll festivalGirls’ festivalGirls’ Day などと訳されます。


  • a festival to pray for young girls’ growth and happiness
  • an annual event for celebrating girls’ growth and good health
  • an occasion to pray for young girls’ growth and happiness


Hina-matsuri is an annual event at which people pray for the growth and happiness of young girls’ growth and happiness.

On March 3, parents celebrate their daughters’ healthy growth and happiness by displaying hina-ningyo (traditional dolls) at home.

Families with girls display beautiful dolls in ancient court costumes called hina-ningyo at home.

Most families with little girls celebrate their daughters’ growth by displaying hina dolls on tiers of shelves with scarlet/red carpets.

To pray for the healthy growth and happiness of their daughters, parents display traditional hina dolls, and special dishes prepared for the festival are eaten together with close friends.

At Hina-matsuri, hina dolls and peach blossoms are displayed, and hishimochi (diamond-shaped rice cakes), hina-arare (rice cake cubes), chirashizushi (scattered sushi), broth with clams, and shirozake (white sake) are prepared.

Tiered platforms for hina ningyō (hina dolls) are set up at home, and families celebrate with eating hishimochi, hina-arare and chirashizushi and drinking shirozake.







Hina-matsuri or Girls’ Festival is a traditional and representative spring event in Japan.

This festival is also called “Joshi no Sekku,” one of the Go Sekku (five seasonal festivals).

The origin of Hina-matsuri is said to be from an ancient Chinese ceremony called “Joshi-setsu,” held on the first day of the snake, the sixth of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac, in March.

It is said that Hina-matsuri originates from an ancient Chinese custom in which impurities and misfortune were transferred to a doll and washed away by setting the doll in a river to drift away.

Ancient people believed that demons tend to come inside houses or their bodies when the seasons change, so they purified themselves at the waterside.

In the old days, people believed that dolls possessed the power to take on evil spirits.

People rubbed their bodies with hitogata (paper dolls) and floated them in rivers to drift away so that their misfortunes would be washed away.

This custom was imported to Japan in the Heian Era, and nobles began to purify themselves by rubbing their bodies with hitogata to transfer negative energies from their minds and bodies into paper dolls and throwing them into the river.

Hina-matsuri originated from a game called “Hina-asobi,” the name given to the play enjoyed by girls of the noble class in the Heian period where paper dolls (called “hiina”) were used.

The origin of Hina-matsuri is the purification custom Nagashi-bina in which the misfortune and illness of a child are transferred onto “katashiro” (a small human-shaped sheet of paper) and then set afloat down a river.

The modern-day version of displaying a set of hina dolls to wish for good health for girls in the house is thought to be a combination of “Nagashi-bina” and “Hiina-asobi” that started in the Edo period and has become a celebratory custom on March 3rd since then.

A custom called Nagashi-bina, in which people float paper dolls down rivers on March 3, is now held in various areas of Japan.

The paper dolls are sent out to a river and then later retrieved returned to a temple or shrine and ritually burned.


Hina-matsuri is also called “Momo-no-sekku,” meaning the Peach Festival.

The name “Peach Festival” originated from the fact that peaches have long been believed to be a charm against evil and that this plant blooms in March.

雛人形 / Hina-ningyō


special dolls that are only for the girls’ festival

Hina-ningyo (hina dolls) are special dolls wearing a traditional Japanese costume for the girls’ festival.

Hina-ningyo depicts the ancient Heian court.

A set of hina dolls consists of odairi-sama (the Emperor), ohina-sama (the Empress), sannin-kanjo (three court ladies), gonin-bayashi (five court musicians), sadaijin (the minister of the left), udaijin (the minister of the right), and sannin-jougo (three servants).

Usually, the dolls are placed on a special seven-step altar, hinadan, with the Emperor and the Empress at the top, followed by sannin-kanjo and gonin-bayashi lower down.

Recently, families increasingly choose “shinnō-kazari” (compact style).

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