
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


その人気から、日本の温泉は外国人観光客にも広く知られており、onsen は既に英語化してきています。


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There are so many hot springs in Japan. Do you know about that?

Hot springs are heated groundwater by magma or geothermal energy.

There are more than 200 volcanoes in Japan, and these have created many hot springs.

Because Japan is a volcanic country, natural hot springs bubble up everywhere.

Most hot spring areas have been developed as resorts, providing accommodations.

There are more than 2,000 hot spring resorts all over Japan.

Japan is every hot spring enthusiast‘s dream destination.

Hot springs translates to “onsen” in Japanese.
(Hot springs は日本語で「温泉」といいます。)

One of the great pleasures of visiting Japan is soaking in “onsen.”

The history of hot springs in Japan is very old, and it is said that there are descriptions of them in the “Kojiki (Japanese Chronicle of Myths),” the oldest history book of Japan.

Onsen culture in Japan goes deeper than you may imagine, and the Japanese love hot springs.

For hundreds of years, Japanese people have enjoyed onsen for the promotion of health and socializing.

In the Edo period, especially, the habit of bathing in “onsen” spread among the public.

In Japan, hot springs are defined by “the Hot Spring Law.”

In Japan, hot spring facilities must apply to government authorities for rigorous screening and permits to be certified as pure natural hot springs.

To be called an “onsen” by definition, the hot spring temperature must be over 25 °C and contain a certain level of minerals.

“Onsen” has a wealth of natural components, and their effects and properties are different depending on the water quality of each particular spring.

There are hot springs with various qualities of water, which people have used since ancient times to treat injuries and illnesses.

Japanese hot springs have numerous health benefits as there are various minerals, including calcium and magnesium in the onsen water.

Onsen contains ions and minerals, and these are believed to heal aches and injuries and to be good for the treatment of chronic disease.

Hot springs benefit your mental and physical health in many ways.


A hot spring cure has been practiced since ancient times and is called “tōji.”

There are several types of onsen, and one of the most popular types is the “rotenburo” which means open-air bath.

Visiting onsen is a popular activity for Japanese, and people enjoy “rotenburo” (open-air baths) set in natural surroundings.

Bathing in “rotenburo” (open-air baths) is a great way to enjoy Japan’s beautiful scenery during different seasons.

When you visit an onsen, you can forget the hustle and bustle of every day and relax both your mind and body.

Travel magazines frequently feature onsen in special issues, and onsen is also very popular among foreigners.

Ryokans (Japanese-style inns or hotels) are lined up in famous hot spring areas.

When you come to Japan, you should visit the hot springs. You will love it.



・温泉:(natural) hot spring
・露天風呂:open air bath または outdoor bath など
・銭湯:public bath
・景色:scenery または view など
・〜に良い:be good for
・健康効果:health effect/benefit
・お風呂に入る(浸かる):take a bath または soak in a bath



  • 泉質:chemical properties of onsen water
  • 酸性:acid
  • 中性:neutral
  • アルカリ性:alkali

Every hot spring has different components and effects, and there are plain hot springs, carbon dioxide springs, hydrogen carbonate springs, chloride springs, sulfate springs, etc.

There are several types of hot springs in Japan, such as sand baths, steam baths, and cave baths.

  • 露天風呂:open-air bath
  • 貸切風呂:reserved bath または private bath など
  • 檜風呂:Japanese cypress bathtub
  • 岩風呂:rock-enclosed bath
  • 砂風呂:sand bath
  • 蒸し風呂:steam bath
  • 洞窟風呂:cave bath
  • 岩盤浴:hot stone spa
  • 五右衛門風呂:Goemon bath または metal bathtub heated from beneath など
  • 混浴:mixed bathing

“Goemon bath” was named after the famous thief “Ishikawa Goemon” who was sentenced to death by boiling in an iron pot in 1594.

温泉の効能 / Effects

  • 疲労:fatigue
  • 神経痛:neuralgia
  • 筋肉痛:muscle soreness または muscle ache など
  • 関節痛:arthralgia
  • 腰痛:low back pain
  • 肩こり:stiff neck (upper back)
  • 五十肩:frozen shoulder
  • リュウマチ:rheumatism
  • 吹き出物:pimples
  • 皮膚病:skin ailments
  • 切り傷:cuts
  • やけど:burns
  • 打ち身:bruise
  • 糖尿病:diabedes
  • 高血圧:hypertension
  • 冷え症:cold sensitivity または sensitivity to the cold など
    ※ 英語には「冷え症」という単語が無いため、「冷えに敏感だ」という表現になっています。

Some hot springs have a beautification effect, and many are referred to as “bijin-no-yu” (beautification springs). “Bijin” means “beauty.”
(温泉の中には、美容効果があるものもあり、多くが「美人の湯」と呼ばれています。Bijin とは「美人」のことです。)

Hot springs contain numerous minerals, thus providing high medicinal benefits.

↓ 続いては、温泉の入り方を英語で説明する表現をご紹介します。


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