
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


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Will you do the dishes?

I don’t like to clear away the dishes.

She is cleaning the burnt pot.

My mother often sings when she’s washing dishes.

I’ll dry and put the dishes in the cabinet.

You’ve got to wash the Teflon pan with a soft sponge, or you’ll scratch it.


・do the dishes:食器洗いをする
・「命令文」+ or . . .:〜しなさい、さもないと、そうしないと
・scratch:(体の一部を) 掻く、(物・体の一部に) 引っ掻き傷をつける


What is this mess?

Put all the things in order!
Clean this up right away!
Clean your room!

Vacuum the rug/carpet, meanwhile, I’ll mop the kitchen floor.

Huh? The vacuum (cleaner) doesn’t work . . . Oh, I forgot to charge it.
(あれ? 掃除機が動かない。。。あ、充電するの忘れてた。)

I do eco-friendly cleaning with baking soda.

 I wiped the tabletop with a moist dish towel.

It rained heavily yesterday, so the glass on the outside of the window is dirty.

If you don’t clean regularly, the rooms will get dirty all by themselves.

We have to separate burnable and non-burnable/incombustible trash.

Will you take the trash out on your way?

I have to get rid of the oversize trash.

It feels great when the entrance is clean.

It is said that keeping the toilet clean will bring good luck.


・in order:(きちんと) 順番になって、整頓されて、(機械などが) 正常に作動して
・dirty:❶(物が) 汚い、汚れた、不潔な ❷不正な、不正直な ❸卑猥な
・separate:【形容詞】離れた、(名詞の前で) 別々の、個々の /【自動詞】別れる、離れる、離脱する /【他動詞】引き離す、分け隔てる、別々にする
・incombustible:(かたく) 燃えない、不燃性の
・get rid of:捨てる、(好ましくないものを) 取り除く


Today is a good day to do the laundry.

The laundry just keeps piling up.

The laundry has really piled up.

The laundry basket is full of dirty clothes.

I have to divide the whites from the colors.

I put it through the washer with a tissue in the pocket.

How can I take out the ink stain from this shirt? − The stain won’t come off/out.
(このシャツのインクのシミをどうやって落とせばいいの? − そのシミはなかなか落ちないよ。)

This shirt faded after washing.

It’s probably better to get this dry-cleaned.

It shrunk in the dryer.

I have to bring the wash in.

Can you fold these clothes, please?

I‘m terrible at ironing.

I’d better pull out the plug for the iron.

I’ll take a nap when I finish the laundry.


・pile up:【自動詞】(物が集まって) 積もる、たまる /【他動詞】(物などを) 積み上げる、積み重ねる
・shrink:❶(洗濯・熱などで物が) 縮む、小さくなる ❷(量・価値などが) 減少する


My mother has been bitten by the gardening.

My mother waters the garden every day.

The grass in the yard is overgrown.

He spent this morning weeding his garden.

I sweated a lot gardening under the sun.

We’ll plant our favorite flowers in the garden.

We cook with the basil we grow at home.



・be bitten with/by A:(人が) A に夢中である
・weed:【名詞】雑草 /【自動詞】草むしりをする /【他動詞】(庭などの) 雑草を取る


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