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日本文化が海外でますます注目されていることもあり、最近ではそのまま kadōikebana で通じることが多くなっていますが、
英語では一般的に (Japanese) flower arrangement と訳されます。

Kadō is a traditional Japanese art where flowering plants and tree branches are arranged in a vase.

Kadō is a form of decorative art where blossoms, stems and leaves are secured on kenzan (a needlepoint holder) in a vase.

Kadō is also called ikebana.

Ikebana is a Japanese-style flower arrangement.

In the general style of ikebana, a kenzan (needle-point holder) is placed in the vase with water, flowering plants and branches of trees are secured on it, and the length and shapes are adjusted with scissors.

The origin of ikebana is said to date from the 6th century when Buddhist monks offered up flowers to Buddha.

It began with “kuge,” the Buddhist practice of floral offerings, and spread to the use of flowers to decorate rooms.

Contemporary Ikebana was established in the 16th century, the Muromachi Period.

When sadō (tea ceremony) became popular in the 16th century, flowers were decorated in chashitsu (a tea ceremony room).

Ikebana esteems asymmetrical shapes and empty spaces and places an aesthetic sense on flowers, leaves, twigs and more.

Ikebana aims to bring out the inner beauty of flowers and other natural materials and express emotion.

Ikebana is known to be an “aesthetic of subtraction” because it expresses a rich world with just a small amount of vegetation and flowers.

The phrase “aesthetics of subtraction” describes an approach that brings out boundless beauty and abundance by reducing elements.

The Western-style flower arrangement is called “aesthetics of addition,” which uses flowers abundantly.

In Ikebana, flowers and plants represent “ten-chi-jin” (heaven, earth and people) and express complete harmony with the universe.

Ikebana places emphasis on expressing the subtle beauty of flowers and other natural materials.

In ikebana, a sense of the season is also important.

Now, there are three major ikebana schools, Ikenobō, Ohara and Sōgetsu.

Many people practice ikebana as a means of self-development.

People carefully appreciate the whole composition, the combination of flowers, and the vase.

華道に使われる道具 / Utensils


  • frog
  • pinholder
  • spiked holder
  • needle-point holder
  • a metallic plate with a lot of thick needles pointing upwards

Kenzan is used to support stems and branches inside the flower vase.

To secure the flowers and plants, a spiked holder called “kenzan” is used.


花器(kaki)(flower) vase

お花を生ける技術 / Techniques


水切り /Cutting

Cut the stalks underwater to increase water absorption to preserve the freshness of the flower.

さばく / Trimming

Trim unnecessary twigs and leaves to make it look good.

ためる / Bending

Add curvature to a stalk or a branch to arrange it easily.

留める / Fixing

Cut the ends of the branches to put them into the kenzan easily.

For branches, pierce them vertically and then tilt them.

For a thin stalk or branch, make a support with a thick stalk.

お花の生け方 / How to arrange flowers

立花 / Rikka


立花は、英語で standing style と呼ばれています。

“Rikka” is the oldest traditional style which was established during the Muromachi Period.

Flowers in Rikka style were displayed in alcoves for ceremonies or receiving guests.

“Rikka” mainly represents the natural beauty of landscapes and the universe.

盛り花 / Moribana

盛り花は、英語で upright style と呼ばれています。

“Moribana” is a form of upright-style arrangement.

“Moribana” is an upright style in which flowers are arranged in a basin or wide-mouthed vase.

The Ohara school is characterized by “Moribana” style.

In Moribana, arrange the flowers in the shape of three points of shin (center), soe (support), and tai (balance), which indicate heaven, earth, and people, respectively.

投げ入れ / Nageire

投げ入れは、英語で slanting style と呼ばれています。

“Nageire” is a slanting style in which flowers are arranged in a cylindrical vase.

“Nagerie” meaning “throw in,” are arranged in tall, narrow vases.
(Nageire は「投げ入れ」という意味で、高くて狭い花瓶を使って生けます。)


  • 梅(ume):Japanese apricot
  • 桜(sakura):cherry blossom
  • すみれ(sumire):violet
  • 百合(yuri):lily
  • 菖蒲(shōbu):Japanese iris
  • 紫陽花(ajisai):hydrangea
  • 霞草(kasumisō):baby’s breath
  • 桔梗(kikyō):Japanese bellflower
  • りんどう(rindō):gentian
  • 椿(tsubaki):Japanese camellia
  • 菊(kiku):chrysanthemum




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