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Traditional Japanese gardens have their own aesthetics and offer a picturesque reproduction of natural scenery.

Japanese gardens embody the true beauty of nature and create a sense of peace, harmony and tranquility.

Japanese gardens are designed to allow people to connect with nature.

Japanese gardens are an important part of Japanese art and culture and are famous for their understated, sophisticated elegance.

Japanese gardens are traditional gardens whose designs avoid artificial ornamentation and highlight the natural landscape. They make artistic use of plants, sand, ponds, flowing water and rocks.

The key elements of Japanese gardens are trees, ponds, running water, and rocks.

Some important elements of a Japanese garden include plants, rocks, ponds, moss, bridges, and moderately pruned trees.

Japanese gardens are simple. However, that does not mean that they are easy to construct. They bring out the true beauty of nature and are artfully designed in such a manner as to make the visitors look around and notice the details.

Japanese gardens are not just about looking beautiful. A tremendous amount of thought goes into the placement of symbolic elements and the overall effect of the garden.

With their oriental charm and cultural background, they stand apart from most Western gardens.

In contrast to the geometrically arranged trees and statues of Western-style gardens, Japanese gardens create a scenic composition that reproduces nature as much as possible.

If you get the opportunity to visit a Japanese garden, you will find simplicity, harmony, order, variety, and many other elements within it that arouse the intellect as well as the senses.

The styles of Japanese gardens have changed with the times, reflecting the development of architectural styles and religious thought introduced from the Asian continent.



  • Japanese rock garden
  • dry landscape garden
  • Zen (rock) garden


“Kare-sansui” or dry landscape gardens, are gardens in which natural landscapes are reproduced by representing water with rocks or sand.

White sand expresses water, while stones represent islands.
(白砂は水を、石は島を表しています。→ while は「〜なのに対して・その一方で」という意味です)

Kare-sansui is a distinctive style of Japanese garden and depicts landscape scenery without water, only with rocks and sand.

Such gardens are common at Zen temples, and it is said that the location of stones expresses the world of enlightenment or Buddhahood.



  • strolling pond garden
  • a Japanese stroll garden with a large pond in the center

特に大きな池がない「回遊庭園」は promenade gardenstroll garden で表すことができます。

Chisen means pond, and Kaiyu refers to a circuit that follows a loop. Teien means Japanese garden in Japanese.
Chisen は池を意味し、Kaiyu は曲線をたどる巡路を意味します。 Teien は日本語で日本庭園を意味します。)

Strolling gardens usually feature a center pond, around which are designed stones, trees, other plants and artificial hills in such a way that visitors may appreciate the changing of the four seasons as they stroll.

The concept behind stroll gardens is to create spaces where, by walking in a leisurely fashion along a carefully constructed path, you discover points of beautiful views.

Famous gardens of this type include that of the Katsura-Rikyu, an Imperial Villa in Kyoto, Rikugien in Tokyo and Okayama-Kōrakuen in Okayama.
(代表的なものには、桂離宮、六義園、岡山後楽園などがあります。→ imperial は「皇帝の・王室の」、villa は「別荘」という意味です)




“Shakkei” is the technique of “borrowing” the mountains and trees in the distance that can be seen outside the garden as background for the garden.

“Shakkei-shiki teien” is a type of traditional Japanese garden that is designed to borrow scenery from nature in its surroundings.


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