【英語】嫉妬・妬み に関する表現

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

恐怖・恐れ の英語表現 に続き、今回は英語で 嫉妬・妬み などに関する表現をご紹介していきます。

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Love is never without jealousy.

A flame of jealousy burned inside her.

The motive for the murder was jealousy.

He was blind with jealousy.

Maria worries that Nick is cheating on her.

My ex-girlfriend broke up with me because I accused her of cheating, but I was wrong.

I think my husband is having an affair with his new secretary.

The guy is having an affair with your sister!

I‘m in trouble because she’s jealous.

I get jealous when you talk to other girls.

Sarah’s parents doted on her younger brother, so she bullied him out of jealousy.

Love is blind, but jealousy can even make you see all sorts of things that aren’t there.


・motive:(行動などの) 動機、理由
・be blind with:(恐怖・怒りなどで) 見境・判断力がなくなって
・cheat on:浮気・不倫をする
・affair:❶(公的な) 事態、仕事 ❷(単数で) 出来事、事件 ❸浮気、(不倫の) 関係
・dote on/upon A:A を溺愛する、盲目的に愛する
・bully:(弱い者を) いじめる


The other girls are jealous of Maria because she is extremely beautiful.

He was jealous of his colleague’s promotion.

Her success made her the target of envy.

I admired and envied her talent and creativity.


・be jealous of:〜に嫉妬する
・envy:【名詞】妬み、嫉妬 /【他動詞】羨む、妬む


Jealousy is the ugliest emotion.

Envying other people is pointless.

Instead of envying others’ success, you should be thankful for what you have.


・pointless:❶先端のない、鈍い ❷無駄な、意味のない
・instead of:〜の代わりに、〜ではなく


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