
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

ごはんと定番のおかず編 に続き、カツ丼、天丼、牛丼、親子丼、うな丼などの「丼もの」を英語で説明する表現をまとめています。

“丼 / don” は海外でも日本食が好きな人は知っている場合が多いので、基本的には「ご飯の上に調理された具材がのっているもの」とすれば伝わりやすいでしょう。

ご興味のある方は、ラーメンと餃子 編居酒屋のメニュー 編 も是非ご覧ください。



「丼もの」rice bowl dishbowl of rice などと訳されます。

The Japanese word “Donburi” refers to “A bowl” in English.

“Don,” or “donburi” refers to a dish of rice in a bowl bigger than a typical rice bowl.

“Don” is short for “donburi,” the Japanese word for “rice bowl dish.”

“Don” or “donburimono” is a Japanese dish consisting of meat, fish, vegetables, or other ingredients simmered and served over rice.

“Don-mono” is a rice bowl dish in which rice is topped with various kinds of ingredients.
( 「丼もの」とは、器に盛ったご飯の上に様々な具材をのせて食べる一品料理のことです。)

カツ丼 / Katsudon

on a bed of で、お料理のベースとなる下の部分を表現できます。

  • pork cutlet with egg rice bowl
  • pork cutlet with egg on rice
  • deep-fried pork cutlet on rice
  • deep-fried pork cutlet on top of rice
  • deep-fried pork cutlet on a bed of rice
  • fried pork cutlet on rice
  • fried pork cutlet topped with beaten egg and onion on a bed of rice 
  • bowl of rice topped with a fried pork cutlet, egg and onion

a bowl of rice topped with a freshly deep-fried pork cutlet dressed in sweet soy-based broth

a bowl of rice topped with slices of deep-fried pork cutlet, beaten egg, and slices of onion cooked in a soy sauce-based broth

a rice bowl topped with a breaded pork cutlet that has been simmered in a sweet soy-based broth with onions and beaten eggs

天丼 / Tendon

  • a tempura rice bowl
  • a bowl of rice topped with tempura

a bowl of rice topped with tempura and a special sauce

牛丼 / Gyūdon


a bowl of rice topped with simmered beef and onion

simmered beef slices and onion in a soy-based broth on rice

beef and onion are cooked in a mild soy sauce-based broth and poured over rice

a bowl of rice topped with sliced beef and onion simmered in a mildly sweet sauce flavored with soy sauce, mirin (sweet rice wine), and sugar

“Gyūdon” is a very popular rice bowl dish called “donburi” and there are many gyūdon restaurants in Japan.

It is commonly served with “beni-shōga” (pickled ginger).

親子丼 / Oyako-don

Chicken and Egg rice bowl

Japanese-style chicken and egg rice bowl

 In Japanese, “Oyako” means “parent and child.”
(日本語で Oyako は「親と子」を意味します。)

Oyako-don means “parent-and-child rice bowl dish.”

Since the chicken is a parent and the egg is a child, this bowl dish is called “Oyako-Don.”

Chicken, eggs, and sliced onion are simmered in sweet soy-based dashi broth and then served on top of cooked rice

Oyako-don is a rice bowl dish cooked in sweet soy broth with chicken, egg, and onion slices over rice.

うな丼 / Unadon

  • うな丼:glaze-grilled eel rice bowl
  • うな重:grilled fillets of eel over a box of rice 

glaze-grilled eel rice bowl

a large bowl of cooked rice topped with glaze-grilled eel

Japanese rice bowl dish with eel fillets that are grilled kabayaki-style

Japanese rice bowl dish topped with salty-sweet grilled unagi (an eel)

Unagi (eel) is said to be a highly nutritious and stamina-building food.

Many people eat “Unagi-no kabayaki” in summer, especially on a particular day called “doyo-no ushi-no hi (eel eating day).”

“Kabayaki” is a broiled unagi (eel) with sweetened soy sauce.

The eel is grilled with a sweet soy sauce, often over a charcoal fire.

In the Kantō region, we steam the eel before grilling it to make it more tender.

Sometimes, dried sansho berries are sprinkled on it and eaten.

Point・broil とは、焼き網やオーブンなどでじりじりと焼くという意味です。
・glaze-grilled は、「光沢を出す、つやを出す」という意味の「glaze」をハイフンでつなげて「お肉に照りをつけて焼いた」を表現しています。


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