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・スパイ活動をする:conduct/commit espionage
・大名・藩主:feudal lord
・忍術:ninja martial arts
・戦国時代:the age/period of civil war
・兵力、武力:military force, force of arms, strength of an army など
・逃げる:escape, flee, run away など
・変装する:disguise oneself

A ninja, or shinobi was a secret agent in pre-modern Japan.

A ninja was an old-time agent who served for the daimyo (feudal lord) during periods of civil war and whose mission included committing espionage or taking on an assassination.

Ninjas were engaged in espionage activities during the Sengoku period.

Ninjas were secret agents who were trained to use special techniques called “ninjutsu.”

Ninjas were engaged in intelligence activities and assassinations and was hired by feudal lords as a kind of secret agent during the period of the Civil War.

They were professional groups of people who trained in order to work as secret agents or assassins for hire.

In feudal Japan, ninjas were secret agents employed to perform espionage and missions.

Ninjas were people provided with special skills in the art of war and flourished in the Sengoku period.

Ninja were responsible for assassinating enemy leaders and spying on the enemy’s military force and war tactics.

There used to be more than 70 schools of ninjas, including the famous Iga and Koga.

There are no ninjas in today’s Japan.

Nowadays, there are no ninjas or samurais in Japan.

忍術 / Ninja marcial arts


  • 変装の術:disguising technique
  • 火遁の術:escaping detection by lighting a fire
  • 水遁の術:hiding under water
  • 木遁の術:hiding among the trees
  • 土遁の術:hiding and escaping under the ground
  • 水蜘蛛:water spider

Ninja conduct espionage by using ninjutsu (ninja martial arts).

To execute their missions, ninjas sneaked into castles, disguised themselves, and escaped by deceiving the enemy’s eyes.

Specifically, ninjutsu included climbing walls, walking on and submerging into water, walking silently, and disappearing suddenly.

In ninjutsu, there are tricks such as “katon no jutsu,” where gunpowder is used to lay a smoke screen upon fleeing, and “henso jutsu,” where the ninja disguises himself as a merchant or a mountain priest.

忍者の武器と道具 / Weapons and tools

  • くろろ鉤/鍵(kurorokagi):tool for unlocking doors
  • 鎖鎌(kusarigama)・忍鎌(ningama):sickle with a chain
  • まきびし/撒菱(makibishi)・鉄びし(tetsubishi):(spiked) caltrop
  • 手裏剣(shuriken):throwing knife/star
  • 鉤縄(kaginawa):climbing hook
  • くない/苦無(kunai):throwing blade

まきびし / 撒菱 / Makibishi

sharp-pointed weapon scattered on the ground

“Makibishi” is a sharp-spiked weapon, that is scattered on the ground to escape from pursuers when running away.

Makibishi is a metal weapon with sharp spikes that is used to slow down or stop enemies.

Makibishi/Tetsubishi is a weapon made up of four or more spines/spikes arranged in such a manner that one of them always points upward from a stable base like a tetrahedron.

Scatter makibishi on the ground to injure the feet of the pursuers during an escape.

Scatter makibishi on an escape route in front of their enemies to inflict damage and reduce the movement speed of those who step on them.

It could penetrate the straw sandals (waraji) that were commonly worn in feudal Japan when makibishi was dropped on the ground or planted in advance.

手裏剣 / Shuriken

手裏剣は ninja starthrowing star で十分通じるほど有名ですが、敢えて説明するならば以下のような表現があります。

sharp-ended metal weapon for throwing end-over-end at the enemy

sharp throwing blade, sometimes with multiple points, used as a weapon by ninja

A shuriken is a handheld-bladed weapon designed for throwing.

A shuriken, literally translates as “behind-the-hand knife,” is a small star-shaped weapon that is easily thrown like a knife.

くない / 苦無 / Kunai

Kunai is a small dagger, and its shape is like a wedge.

One side is a knife across the grip, and the other end is a round hole.

The ninja holds the “kunai” with one hand and stabs an enemy, or he swings it around by putting the rope through the ring.

鎖鎌・忍鎌 / Kusari-gama

“Kusarigama” is a weapon that consists of a sickle and a heavy weight attached to a metal chain.

Ningama is a sickle with a chain connecting a weight to attack enemies at a distance using centrifugal force.

忍者屋敷 / House of ninja


There were many tricks and traps in the house of a ninja.

  • 落とし穴:pitfall
  • 隠しはしご:hidden ladder
  • どんでん返し:revolving/reversing wall
  • 抜け道:secret passage
  • 刀隠し:hiding place for swords

Groups of ninjas settled in secluded mountain villages.

The outward appearance of their house was quite similar to that of an ordinary thatched farmhouse, but it was very cunningly designed.

Above all, a ninja was a secret agent, so he was always in danger of having his house raided suddenly by his enemies.

Ninja House had various tricks and traps, such as revolving walls, pitfalls, a hidden staircase, and a secret passage.

手裏剣の折り方 / Origami throwing star


Make an origami ninja star with two square pieces of paper.

You can also start with one square and cut it in half to get two strips.

1. Fold them into quarters along the dotted line.

2. Fold in half again.

3. Fold in the dotted line.

4. Fold in dotted line.

5. Turn over them and lay the figure on the other one as shown.

6. Insert the corners into the pocket.

7. Repeat the process on the other side.

8. Completed!


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