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お盆 / Obon







・供養する:(hold) memorial sevice
・お経:Buddhist sutra
・仏壇:Buddhist altar

Obon (or just Bon) is a Buddhist event where the traditional custom of ancestor worship became tied up with the “Urabon-e,” a Buddhist festival.

Obon is a Buddhist festival for honoring the souls of ancestors, which are supposed to be visiting on August 15.

Obon is an abbreviation of “Urabon-e.”

Obon is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors.

Obon is an annual Buddhist event commemorating one’s ancestors.

Originally, the spirits of ancestors were thought to return home during the period of Obon.

It is believed that each year, during the Obon period, the spirits of those who have passed on return to this world to visit their families.

In general, Obon refers to August 13th to August 16th.

Even though Obon is not a public holiday, obon is considered one of the most important family events of the year in Japan.

Although obon customs vary by region, people light mukae-bi (welcoming fires) to invite the return of their ancestors’ spirits.

Obon begins with mukae-bi (welcoming fires) practice, during which people make a small bonfire at the entrances to guide the spirits of ancestors upon their return back home.

Obon is a Buddhist event to hold memorial services for ancestors, in which ancestors’ spirits are welcomed with mukae-bi (welcoming fires) and seen off with okuri-bi (sending-off fires) for escorting the spirits of the ancestors.

People visit graves or ask a Buddhist monk to come to their homes to recite sutras.

In Japan, there is a traditional custom where people pay a visit to their family’s graves and pray on their memorial days or during Obon and higan week.

Visiting graveyards to comfort ancestors’ spirits is called “ohakamairi.” The word “haka” means “grave” in Japanese.
(お墓にお参りして先祖の霊を慰めることを、日本語で「お墓参り」といいます。haka とはお墓のことです。)

Ohakamairi means to tell their loved ones who have passed away that their family members are well and express thankfulness.

People pay homage to their ancestors by cleaning the grave, making an offering to it, calling a Buddhist monk to read a sutra and offering incense sticks to the grave one by one.

During the Obon period, people make a “bon-dana” (bon altar) to make offerings of seasonal vegetables and fruits and to welcome the spirits of their ancestors.

In most places, a “bon-dana” (bon altar) on which offerings to the ancestors are placed is set up, and “mukae-bi” (a greeting fire) is lit to welcome the spirits on the first day of Obon.

During the Obon period, Buddhist monks visit their parishioners’ houses to read a sutra, and people visit their family graves.

On the last day of Obon, okuri-bi (a sending-off fire) is lit to see off the ancestral spirits on their way back to the other world.

When Obon is over, the spirits are usually sent back on their way. The customs followed vary strongly from region to region.




Urabon-e (or Obon) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to welcome and pray for the spirits of one’s ancestors.

Obon is an abbreviation of Urabon-e, which is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word ullambana, meaning “hanging upside down.”

Among the Shaka’s disciples, there was one named Maudgalyayana (“Mokuren” in Japanese) who had divine powers.

Mokuren used his power to see what was happening to his deceased mother, only to discover she had fallen into the hell of Hungry Ghosts and was suffering as if she had been hung upside down.

Greatly shocked, Mokuren went to the Shaka and asked how he could release his mother from this misery, to which the Shaka replied, “After you have finished your rainy season practices, on July 15th, make offerings to all Buddhist monks and pray for your mother.”

Mokuren did as Shaka instructed, and his mother was released from the pain of being in the hell of the Hungry Ghosts and was able to enter paradise.

Ever since this event, July 15th has been considered the day for honoring and praying for one’s ancestors, ullambana (or obon).

精霊馬 / Shōryōma





Based on the traditional saying that ancestors come on a horse and leave on a cow, a horse and cow made from cucumber and eggplant are displayed.

A staple of Obon, the cucumber horse and eggplant cow are called “shōryōma,” representing conveyances for ancestors to use to come back home and then back to their world.

The cucumber, which represents a quick-footed horse, helps the spirits of ancestors return home quickly.

The eggplant, which signifies a slow and big cow, enables ancestors to leisurely return to their world with a lot of offerings.


・enable A to do:A が〜することを可能にする

お彼岸 / Ohigan






Ohigan is a Buddhist holiday celebrated in Japan during both the Spring and Autumnal Equinox and lasts one week.

Ohigan is the day on which the length of the day and night are almost equal.

Ohigan represents the state of enlightenment or the Buddhist Pure Land.

In Buddhist terms, higan refers to “the other world,” which means that, while this side is the world of the living, the other side is the world of the dead.

In order to comfort the spirits of ancestors on the other side, families pay visits to graves during Ohigan.

おはぎとぼたもち / Ohagi and Botamochi




  • rice cake covered with red bean paste
  • sticky rice cake coated in smashed sweet adzuki beans
  • rice ball coated with sweetened red bean paste, soybean flour or black sesame powder

Ohagi is a traditional Japanese confection made from boiled glutinous rice and red bean paste.

In general, people call this sweet “botamochi” during the higan of spring and “ohagi” during the higan of autumn.

In spring, people offer “botamochi,” and in fall/autumn people offer “ohagi.”

Botamochi and ohagi are the same sweets but with different names.

Botamochi is named from spring flower “Botan” which is a Japanese peony.

Ohagi is named after the autumn flower Hagi which is a Japanese bush clover.

Ohagi is made by mixing together and cooking glutinous and non-glutinous rice, lightly mashing and molding them into balls, which are covered with red bean paste, soybean flour, or black sesame powder.

Since ancient times in Japan, red adzuki beans have been thought to be an auspicious food that wards off evil spirits and invites happiness.




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