英語で説明する【織田信長 − 有能で残酷な天才武将】

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Oda Nobunaga(1534〜1582)

日本の歴史を語る上で欠かせない戦国武将といえば、織田信長、豊臣秀吉徳川家康 を思い浮かべる方は多いのではないでしょうか。



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Oda Nobunaga is regarded as one of the three unifiers of the Civil War period, along with Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

He was a powerful daimyō (feudal lord) of Japan in the late 16th century who attempted to unify Japan and successfully gained control over most of Honshū (the Main Island of Japan).


・be regarded as:〜とみなされている、〜とされている
・attempt to do:(困難・危険な事などを) 試みる
・gain:手に入れる、獲得する、(体重が) 増える


In 1534, He was born as the third son of Oda Nobuhide who was the lord of the Furuwatari-jo Castle in Owari Province.

He was called “The Fool of Owari” because he always acted very strangely.


・lord:❶高位の貴族 ❷(封建時代の)領主、地主、荘園主
・province:❶(行政区画としての) 州、省 ❷(昔の日本の) 国 ❸(学問・活動などの) 専門分野


In 1551, after his father’s death, he succeeded as head of the family and became the lord of Nagoya-jo Castle.

Nobunaga faced a rebellion from his younger brother, Nobuyuki, who aligned himself with rival powers in other territories.

The struggle between Nobunaga and Nobuyuki persisted for years, but Shibata Katsuie (a retainer of Nobunaga) persuaded Nobuyuki to visit his brother for a reconciliation.

Nobunaga feigned illness at his castle in Kiyosu and Nobuyuki was murdered on arrival at Kiyosu in 1558.

After he won this dispute, he defeated his enemy’s forces one after another and unified Owari Province.


・struggle:【自動詞】苦闘する、困難に打ち勝つために懸命に努力する /【名詞】闘争、戦い
・persist:❶固執する、貫く ❷(望ましくないことが) いつまでも続く、存続する
・persuade A to do:A を説得して〜させる
・province:❶(行政区画としての) 州、省 ❷(昔の日本の) 国 ❸(学問・活動などの) 専門分野


In 1560, he defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto who had an extremely larger military force than Nobunaga at the Battle of Okehazama, which made his name famous all over the country.

On his way to remove all potential enemies and unite the country, he pushed through the fire attack against Enryaku-ji Temple and burnt off Mt. Hiei as a whole in 1571.

It was taboo to attack sacred sites and communities, but Nobunaga’s willingness to destroy anyone who opposed him extended to the Buddhists.


・defeat:【名詞】敗北、(計画などの) 失敗 /【他動詞】(試合・戦争などで) 相手を破る、うち負かす
・oppose:oppose:(計画・考えなどに) 反対する、抵抗する
・extend:(事業・影響力・支配など) 拡大する、(期限・訪問などを) 延期する



In the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, he organized a gun unit to defeat the Takeda army, one of the strongest rulers in the anti-Nobunaga alliance.

This significantly changed the Japanese tactics that had centered on bows and pikes until that time.

After that, he moved the unification of Japan forward and implemented policies such as “Rakuichi-rakuza” (free markets and open guilds) and “Kenchi” (land survey).


・defeat:【名詞】敗北、(計画などの) 失敗 /【他動詞】(試合・戦争などで) 相手を破る、うち負かす
・tactic:(通例〜s) 戦術、駆け引き、作戦
・implement:(計画・政策・法律などを) 実行する、実施する、履行する
・land survey:土地測量、国土調査


But he had to kill himself because of the betrayal of his subordinate, Akechi Mitsuhide, at Honno-ji temple in Kyoto in a night raid when he was about to unify Japan.

Though he may be remembered for his brutality, he is credited with unifying a large portion of Japan and changing the history of the island nation.


・raid:(兵士・戦闘機などによる破壊目的での) 襲撃、急襲



The three most powerful warlords of the Sengoku period, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, all had very different characters.

Their personalities are contrasted by the following parable.

Oda Nobunaga

If a bird doesn’t sing, kill it.
(鳴かぬなら 殺してしまえ ホトトギス)

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

If a bird doesn’t sing, make it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴かせて見せよう ホトトギス)

Tokugawa Ieyasu

If a bird doesn’t sing, wait for it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス)


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