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お蕎麦とうどん 編 に続き、今回は皆さんが大好きなラーメンを英語で説明する表現をご紹介していきます。




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It is thought that ramen has its origins in China.

Ramen is a noodle soup that was originally imported from China.

Ramen came over to Japan as a noodle soup dish, riding the wave of civilization and enlightenment during the Meiji period.

Ramen has become one of the most popular foods for Japanese.

Ramen is so popular that it is referred to as one of the national foods of Japan.

Ramen is the most popular casual Japanese food for foreigners.

We can say that Ramen is one of the national dishes of Japan and is popular abroad, too.

Ramen consists of a harmony of soup, noodles, and toppings.

Many ramen restaurants/shops use ingenuity in developing tasty soup, noodles and toppings for their ramen.

Ramen soup is seasoned with things like soy sauce, salt, miso (fermented soybean), and pork bone.

Ramen has various kinds of soup, like soy sauce, salt, miso (fermented soybean), and pork bone.
(ラーメンのスープは 醤油、塩、味噌、とんこつなど様々な種類があります。)

Chicken, pork bones, and seafood are the main ingredients of the soup.

Aromatic vegetables like Japanese leeks, onions and ginger are often added to get rid of the meaty smell.

Ramen noodles are made from wheat flour, eggs, salt, and other ingredients.

There are thin and thick noodles, and in ramen restaurants/shops where customers can request how hard they would like their noodles to be.


・●● has its origins in. . . :〜に起源をもつ
・refer to:〜と呼ぶ、〜を指す



お醤油ラーメン:Shoyu ramen

  • soy sauce-based ramen
  • chicken broth with soy sauce ramen
  • ramen in a clear, brown broth flavored with soy sauce

The basic Japanese ramen is shoyu (soy sauce) ramen.

Shoyu ramen is a soy sauce-based soup with a mixture of chicken bones and vegetables.

塩ラーメン: Shio ramen

  • salt-based ramen
  • salt flavored ramen
  • ramen in a light, salted broth

Shio ramen is characterized by a rich broth of chicken and is seasoned with salt sauce.

Shio ramen does not contain flavorful soy sauce and miso, so delicious shio ramen requires enormous technical skill.

Many ramen chefs see this as the most difficult type of ramen to make.

味噌ラーメン:Miso ramen

  • soybean ramen
  • ramen in a thick, brown soup, flavored with miso
  • a Japanese noodle soup flavored with a paste made from fermented soybeans

Its broth is made from miso along with chicken or pork stock, and vegetables.

Miso ramen is a Japanese noodle soup with a broth seasoned with miso (fermented soybean paste) and a variety of vegetables.

とんこつラーメン:Tonkotsu ramen

  • pork bone ramen
  • ramen in a cloudy, white broth that contains braised pork bones

Tonkotsu ramen is a ramen that originated in Fukuoka.

Tonkotsu ramen is a Japanese noodle soup made from pork bones that have been boiled down until they dissolve into a milky white broth.

The broth of tonkotsu ramen is clouded because they cook pork bones over a strong fire.

Tonkotsu ramen features a cloudy white soup made with boiled pork bones and vegetables and very thin, straight noodles.

魚介ラーメン:Seafood ramen

Seafood ramen is a ramen made with soy sauce-based seafood broth soup.

Fish-based stocks are often made with katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) or Niboshi (dried sardines).


・細麺:thin noodles
・太麺:thick noodles
・平打ち麺:flat noodle
・ちぢれ麺:wavy noodles
・ストレート麺:straight noodles

ラーメンの具材 / Toppings



  • Char-siu
  • Char-siu pork
  • braised pork
  • Chinese-style barbecued pork
  • pork stewed in soy sauce
  • grilled pork
  • the king of ramen toppings

Cha-siu is a fatty slice of grilled/roasted pork.


  • Nitamago
  • seasoned eggs
  • soy sauce eggs
  • boiled egg

boiled eggs with soy sauce-based broth

soft-boiled egg with soy sauce

soy sauce egg is a popular topping on any type of ramen.


  • メンマ:seasoned bamboo shoots
  • コーン:corn
  • バター:butter
  • もやし:bean sprout
  • ほうれん草:spinach
  • 海苔:Nori seaweed
  • おろしニンニク:grated garlic
  • ラー油:chili oil


餃子はアメリカやフランスなどでも人気が高まっており、Gyōza で通じることも多くなっています。

  • Gyōza
  • Japanese Dumpling
  • 焼き餃子:fried dumplings
  • 蒸し餃子:steamed dumplings
  • 水餃子:boiled dumplings

Gyōza are half-moon-shaped dumplings filled with ground meat and diced vegetables and wrapped in a thin dough.

It is not an exaggeration to say that gyōza are the Japanese people’s favorite accompaniment to ramen.


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