
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



レストランの予約には reserve を使うのが一般的です。

日本ですと、レストランの「席を予約する」と言うこともありますが、英語では「テーブルを予約する」と言いますので、table を使いましょう。

Is a reservation necessary?

I’d like to make a reservation for next Friday at eight o’clock for two.

I’d like to reserve a table for four at 6 o’clock.

There is a table available at 7 o’clock. Would that be suitable?

Can I have a table by the window?

Can I reserve a table with a nice view?

It’s OK. Your name, please. − My name is Tanaka.
(大丈夫です。お名前をお願いします。– 田中です。)

Thank you so much for making the reservation.

We look forward to being of service to you and your guests.

I have a reservation at 7 o’clock.

Your reservation is for seven thirty.


・necessary:【形容詞】必要な、不可欠な /【名詞】(生活)必需品、必要な物
・be suitable (for A):(A に) 適している、相応しい、都合が良い
・look forward to 名詞/動名詞:〜を楽しみにする


I had a reservation for six thirty under the name of Yoshida, but I’d like to change it to seven.

I’d like to change the number of people on the reservation.

Please change from five people to six.

We’re afraid we’ll be late. I think we’ll arrive around 7:15.

Could you cancel my reservation?


・under the name of:(予約時に) 〜の名前で
・I’m/We’re afraid:申し訳ありませんが、残念ながら


Do you have an open table for four?

Do you prefer a smoking area or a non-smoking area?

We are full at the moment.

How many are in your party?

Would you mind sharing a table?

I don’t mind sharing a table or sitting at a counter.

We don’t mind being seated separately.

How long is the wait? − It’ll take about 10 minutes.
どれくらい待ちますか。− 10分ほどお待ちいただきます。)

We can prepare a table for you immediately.

Please wait just a moment while we prepare your table.

You can sit wherever you like.

We can’t enjoy the night view of the city from here.

Is there another table available?

Excuse me, would it be possible to change tables, please?
I’d like to change our tables.

We’re sorry, but none of the non-smoking tables are available.


・share a table:同席する、相席する
・while:【名詞】(しばらくの) 間 /【接続詞】〜している間に


Can I have your order?

Is someone helping you?
(ご注文はお済みですか? → 店員がお客さんに言うセリフ)

A bottle of carbonated mineral water, please.

Do you have any non-alcoholic cocktails?

I’d like to have some local wine.

What kind of wine do you recommend for this meat?

Can I have extra tomatoes?

I‘m allergic to wheat.

Do you have a menu for vegetarians?

Please make it a small portion.

How would you like your steak? − Medium rare, please.
(ステーキの焼き加減はいかがなさいますか。− ミディアムレアでお願いします。)

Please give me the dressing on the side.

Can you make it a little milder?

Would you like some dessert?

What’s on your menu for dessert?

Shall we serve your drinks before or after the meal? − After, please.
(お飲み物は今お持ちしますか、食後になさいますか。− 食後でお願いします。)

We’ll share. Would you bring some more plates?


・carbonated:(飲み物で) 炭酸入りの、発泡する
・portion:❶部分、一部分、分け前 ❷(料理の) 一人前、(一皿分の) 料理の量
・plate:(底の平らな) 皿、取り皿

I haven’t gotten my order yet.

Our order hasn’t come yet. Could you check on our order?

There is a hair in my soup.

Another beer, please.

Could I have my coffee now?

Can I have a refill of coffee?

I want to order something else.

Could I change my order?

May I take this for you?
Are you finished?

The air conditioning is too cold. Could you turn it down?

I should’ve ordered that, too.



・refill:詰め替え、差し替え、(飲み物の) おかわり
・turn down:(ラジオ・電灯・冷暖房などの音量・光・熱を) 小さくする、下げる
・should have 過去分詞:〜すれば良かった


Check, please.

They say this restaurant doesn’t take/accept credit cards.

Let me take care of the bill.

Let’s split the bill.

Can we get separate checks/bills?
We’d like to separate the checks/bills.


We want to pay separately, please.

I think the check is wrong.


・take care of the bill:〜の支払いをする
・split the bill:割り勘にする
・separate:【形容詞】離れた、(名詞の前で) 別々の、個々の /【自動詞】別れる、離れる、離脱する /【他動詞】引き離す、分け隔てる、別々にする


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