【英語】涙・悲しみ に関する表現

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

喜び・幸せ の英語表現 に続き、今回は英語で 涙や悲しい気持ち に関する表現をご紹介します。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。


I’m close to tears.
(泣きそう。→「(もう少しで) 〜しそう」という意味)

I couldn’t stop crying when I watched that movie.

He tried really hard to hold back his tears.

Her eyes were full of tears.

On/After hearing the sad news, he broke down in tears.

When you’re sad, you can cry as much as you want.

She endured her grief without shedding a single tear.

Those present at the funeral stifled their voices and wept.

I wept in sympathy with his sad story.

She cried tears of joy.
She wept with joy.
She cried with happiness.


・shed:(血・涙を) 流す
・break down in tears:泣き崩れる
・endure:(文語)(長期にわたって、困難・苦痛などに) 耐える、辛抱する
・stifle:(衝動などを) 抑える、押し殺す
・weep:(しくしくと) 泣く、泣き悲しむ、嘆く
・in sympathy with:〜に共感して




Sadness and gladness succeed each other.

Most people would answer that the opposite of joy is sadness or misery.

After sorrow comes joy.

My heart has been filled with grief.

She was laden with grief.

The girl had a sad face.

I get sad when I hear something like that.

It broke my heart to see her sad.

How am I supposed to break the sad news to her?

It was a tragic accident.

How cruel.

My heart is broken.

The whole neighborhood mourned his death.

She is grieving the loss of her father.

He is still lamenting the death of his dog.

It will be a long time before she gets over her husband’s death.

He tries to distract himself from his lovesickness with work.

Don’t pity me.

He has a tendency to be pessimistic.


・opposite:【形容詞】正反対の、全く逆の、(位置などが) 反対側の /【名詞】正反対の人・物・事柄
・tragic:(名詞の前で) 悲劇の、痛ましい、悲惨な
・be laden with grief:悲しみでいっぱいである
・mourn:(人の死などを) 悲しむ、嘆く、追悼する
・grieve:(人の死を) 嘆き悲しむ、悲嘆する
・lament:(ややかたく)【名詞】悲嘆、嘆き /【自動詞】(over/for/about) 〜のことを嘆き悲しむ /【他動詞】(doing/that節) 〜を嘆き悲しむ、後悔する
・pity:【名詞】同情、憐れみ、残念なこと /【自動詞】可哀想に思う /【他動詞】〜を可哀想に思う、哀れむ
・tendency:傾向、風潮、(個人の) 性癖


I can’t believe you said that!

 That still hurts when I think about it.

I was hurt when he said terrible things to me.

Nobody understands my feelings.

I still haven’t recovered from the shock.


・hurt:【形容詞】怪我をした、(身体・心が) 傷ついた /【自動詞】(身体の一部・心が) 痛む /【他動詞】不快にさせる、(身体・心を) 傷つける


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