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お花見の簡単な説明 / Hanami

一般的に、「お花見」は英語で cherry blossom viewing と訳されます。

桜の下で飲んだり食べたり、桜の鑑賞を楽しむことを添えて、partypicnic などを付けるとイメージされやすくなるでしょう。

  • cherry blossom viewing party
  • cherry blossom viewing picnic


Japanese people love cherry blossoms.

Spring and fall are the best seasons in Japan.

Cherry is practically the national flower of Japan.

You should come to Japan in spring. The cherry blossoms are gorgeous.

Japanese people look forward to seeing cherry blossoms in spring.

There are many famous cherry blossom spots all over Japan.

Cherry blossom translates to “Sakura” in Japanese.
(Cherry blossom は日本語で「桜」と訳されます。)

Cherry blossom season in Japan is from late March to early April every year.

When cherry trees are in bloom, a cherry blossom forecast is televised daily.

With the cherry blossom season, mass media reports are made daily about sakura-zensen (cherry blossom front).

“Hanami” means cherry blossom viewing.

Hanami season moves slowly northward from Okinawa in the south of Japan to Hokkaido in the north and varies by year according to the weather conditions.

The timing of peak bloom depends on the variety of cherry blossoms.

Enjoying cherry blossoms is a Japanese tradition of welcoming spring.

It is said that the origin of cherry blossom viewing was a gathering held under cherry trees with sake and good food to pray for a rich harvest.

Hanami is going out to parks or spots to see and enjoy the beautifully blooming cherry blossoms.

Hanami is like an outdoor party under the cherry blossoms.

During this season, many people hold parties under the cherry blossoms and enjoy the coming of spring.

People spread a mat under the cherry blossoms and enjoy drinking and eating while appreciating the beautiful flowers.

The short-lived and fragile beauty of cherry blossoms is regarded as a symbol of transience and graciousness in Japan.


cherry blossom (blooming) forecast

cherry blossom front

peak bloom

expected peak bloom date

a shower of flower petals または falling cherry blossoms など

weeping cherry

Cherry blossoms are fluttering.

Cherry blossoms are falling.

Dumplings rather than blossoms.

Bread is better than the songs of birds.

三色団子 / Sanshoku-dango

英語では一般的に three-color dumplings または three colored dumplings などと訳されます。


“Sanshoku dango” is a Japanese rice flour dessert where three colored rice dumplings are skewered.

Sanshoku-dango are three sweet dumplings colored pink, white, and green that are served skewered on a bamboo stick.

The pink one is flavored with sakura powder, and the green with mugwort powder.

ちなみに「串団子」は、skewered dumplings や (sweet) dumpling skewers などと言います。

桜餅 / Sakura-mochi


  • red bean paste rice cake wrapped in a cherry leaf
  • rice cake with red bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf
  • red bean paste rice cake wrapped in a salt-pickled cherry leaf
  • rice cake filled with sweet bean paste and wrapped in a pickled cherry leaf
Pointpreserved, pickled は「(塩・酢などで)漬けた」という意味です。


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