【英語で自己紹介② − 趣味・好み】英会話トレーニング

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

英語で自己紹介①/自分のこと に続き、今回は自分の趣味や休日の過ごし方を英語で説明するときの表現を、例文とともに学習していきましょう。質問する側の文章も参考になさってください。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。


↓ 自分の家族についての英語表現はこちら

趣味は hobby でいいの?

日本では、「hobby = 趣味」と認識されていることが多いようですが、hobby は周りの人があまりやっていない、やや専門的な技術を必要とするような凝った趣味などに使われます。

hobby は例えば、編み物やプラモデル、切手や古銭集めなど、静かに黙々と一人で活動する趣味のことを指します。

My hobby is collecting old stamps/coins.
(古い切手 / コインを集めるのが趣味です。)

One of my hobbies is collecting rare stones.

Knitting is my hobby, and I’ve been making a lot of sweaters.

Recently, my main hobby has been making/constructing plastic models.

She has many hobbies, such as gardening, knitting, collecting stamps, and so on.


What do you do in your free time?

What do you (like to) do in your pastime?

What are your interests?
What are you interested in?
(何に興味がありますか。→ 趣味は何ですか?)

Do you like camping?



・I like 〜ing:〜するのが好きです。
・〜ing is my favorite pastime.:〜するのが楽しみなんだ。
・I like spending my free time 〜ing.:空いた時間は〜して過ごすのが好きです。
・I spend my days off 〜ing.:休みの日は〜して過ごします。

I like listening to music/reading.
(趣味は音楽鑑賞 / 読書です。)

I like driving.
I like going for drives.

I like driving with no destination in mind.

I like traveling around Germany.

I like trying out new restaurants.

When the weather is nice, I often go fishing.

I’m currently into playing a video game.

I meditate for about an hour a day.

In my spare time, I read detective stories.

I go around browsing used/second(-)hand bookstores whenever I have free time.

You have broad interests.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

I don’t have any hobbies in particular.

I never do anything for very long.


・spare:❶(名詞の前で) 余分の、余った ❷手の空いた、暇な
・in particular:(他と比べて) とりわけ、特に


What kind of music do you usually listen to?

Listening to classical music is my favorite pastime.

Just about anything except hip-hop and reggae.

When it comes to heavy metal, you should talk to him.

I prefer classical to jazz.

I don’t really listen to Japanese music.

The band’s music all sounds the same to me.

Do you play any instruments?

It would be nice to be able to play a musical instrument.

I didn’t expect her to play the bass guitar.

He can not only play the guitar but also the drums.

How old were you when you started playing the piano? − I was 5 years old.
(何歳からピアノを弾いているの。− 5歳からです。)

I can’t read music (scores).


・except A:(同一種類の全体の中から例外的なものを示して) 〜を除いて(は)、〜以外は
・when it comes to:〜に関して言えば、〜のことになると
・not only A (but) B (as well):A だけでなく B も


How often do you go to the movies? − One or two times a month.
(映画はどれくらいの頻度で観に行くの? − 月に1、2回くらいかな。)

I often go to the movies on weekends.

I love all movies, no matter the genre.

I especially like mystery movies.


I used to take violin lessons when I was a child.

I’ve been learning the piano since I was 5 years old.

I practice the tea ceremony.

I take English lessons once a week.

I take Judo lessons every week.

I started taking cooking lessons.

I took up making pottery recently.


・since:【接続詞】(通例現在完了形と共に) 〜以来、(理由・原因) 〜なので、〜だから /【前置詞】〜以来、〜以降
・practice:(技術向上のために、規則的・反復的に) 練習する
・take up:(趣味として) 〜を始める


 I jog before breakfast every morning.

It’s been five years since I started doing Yoga.

I have a pool at home, so I swim every day in that.

I work out once a week at the gym.

I usually go to the gym and exercise on weekends.

We go skiing as a family during winter.

I like snowboarding in the winter.

The sport I enjoy most now is tennis.

My father has retired, so he goes golfing every week.

I stretch before I go to sleep every night.


・work out:❶(物事が) うまくいく、〜の結果になる ❷身体を鍛える、練習する


I go camping at least once a year.

I‘m good at pitching a tent / lighting a fire.
(テントを張る / 火を起こすのが得意です。)

The food you eat when camping is exceptional.

Sleeping in the sounds of nature is a wonderful experience.

I like hiking/trekking.

When you go hiking, you can enjoy a combination of nature, fresh air, and exercise.

The beautiful view from the top is something you can’t describe.

No words can express the feeling of accomplishment when reaching the summit.

My dream is to climb a mountain in Switzerland.


・pitch:❶(急に強く) 投げる、投げ入れる ❷テントを立てる、キャンプを設営する
・describe:(特徴などを) 表現する、描写する


How do you spend your days off / weekends?
休みの日 / 週末 はどんな風に過ごしていますか。)

I spend my days off watching movies.

My friends and I often go to rock concerts on weekends.
週末はよくロックコンサートに行きます。→ 習慣的な場合は複数形)

Internet surfing is my favorite pastime.

I go camping with my friends on my days off.

I mostly spend my time relaxing at home.

I always take trips during vacation.


・spend:(お金・時間などを) 費やす、時を過ごす
・days off:(仕事のない) 休日、(病気などによる) 休暇


読書reading books
音楽鑑賞listening to music
映画鑑賞watching movies
博物館見学visiting/going to museums
テレビゲームvideo games
動画編集editing videos
絵を描くdrawing/painting pictures
写真taking pictures
絵画drawing/painting pictures
海外旅行overseas trip / traveling abroad
国内旅行domestic trip/travel


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