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画像出典元:663Highland − Wikimedia Commons


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  • Buddhist cuisine
  • Buddhist vegetarian meal
  • traditional Japanese Buddhist cuisine


vegetarian meals without meat and fish

a traditional vegetarian meal for Buddhist monks

Buddhist cuisine that forbids the consumption of meat and fish

a type of vegetarian cuisine originally eaten by ascetic Buddhist monks

the type of cuisine was developed by Zen Buddhist monks since they were forbidden to eat meat and fish

The chief ingredients of Buddhist cuisine are tofu, which is made from processed soybeans, and vegetables.

Shōjin Ryōri” (精進料理) contains no meat or fish, based on the Buddhist prohibition of taking any life.

Buddhist cuisine is based mainly on grain, vegetables, and beans and has been eaten by Buddhist monks who are prohibited from killing animals and eating meat.

Shōjin means to devotedly endeavor to practice.

Shōjin Ryōri is aimed at driving away earthly desires.

“Shōjin” means “improving the soul” or “concentration,” and “Ryōri” means the word for dish or cuisine.

Shōjin Ryori’s health benefits and artistic presentation contributed to the traditional Japanese multi-course haute cuisine, kaiseki.

Some temples offer Shojin Ryori to visitors as well.


・prohibit from 〜ing:〜することを禁止する
・earthly desires:煩悩(ほかには human desires and passions や worldly desires などの言い方があります)


高野豆腐(kōya-dōfu)dried tofu
湯葉(yuba)tofu skin
油揚げ(abura-age)fried soybean curd
ごま豆腐(goma-dōfu)sesame tofu
麩(fu)dried wheat gluten
納豆(natto) fermented soybeans
味噌fermented soybean paste with salt and koji
わかめ(wakame)edible seaweed
海苔(nori)dried laver
ひじき(hijiki)hijiki seaweed, sea vegetable growing wild on Japan’s coast
こんにゃく(konjac)jelly substance made from taro-like potato starch
根菜類root vegetables

懐石料理 / Kaiseki





  • traditional Japanese multi-course meal for tea ceremony
  • traditional Japanese cuisine formally served before tea ceremony
  • Japanese multi-course meal served before tea ceremony
  • simple dishes that originate from the Japanese tea ceremony


Kaiseki is a simple traditional meal served to the guests by the host before the tea ceremony.

Kaiseki ryōri, which was developed by Sen no Rikyū, the greatest tea master, in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, is a light meal served at tea ceremonies.

Kaiseki ryōri (懐石料理) can easily be confused with kaiseki-ryōri (会席料理) and is often called “Cha-Kaiseki.”

Kaiseki ryōri is a light meal served at a tea ceremony before the host serves tea.

As bitter matcha was considered too strong to be consumed on an empty stomach, the practice of serving a meal beforehand as hospitality to guests arose.

Cha-Kaiseki incorporates various aspects of traditional Japanese culture and is meant to complement the tea.

“Cha” means tea, and Kaiseki means breast/bosom-pocket stone.
(cha はお茶で、kaiseki は懐石のことです。)

The name “Kaiseki” originated from Zen Buddhist monks’ practice of holding warm stones to their chests to ward off both the cold and hunger.

Kaiseki ryōri is a light, simple meal that warms the stomach.

Basically, Cha-Kaiseki includes a menu of one soup and three dishes made with a variety of fresh, seasonal ingredients.


Dishes are served one at a time in kaiseki ryōri.

The order differs slightly at each restaurant.

All dishes are served together at once in most ryokan (traditional Japanese hotels).

1飯碗(Meshi-wan)small rice dish
2汁椀(Shiru-wan)miso soup or clear soup
4椀盛/煮物(Wan-mori/Nimono)simmered dish
5焼き物(Yakimono)broiled/grilled dish
6進肴(Susumezakana)、強肴(Shiizakana)substantial dish
7箸洗い/小吸い物(Hashiarai/Kosuimono)clear soup
8八寸(Hassun/Sumonomo)seasonal platter
9湯桶(Yuto)pitcher of hot water having slightly browned rice in it
10香の物/漬物(Kōnomono/Tsukemono)pickled vegetables

会席料理 / Kaiseki

画像出典元:Netha Hussain − Wikimedia Commons


  • traditional multi-course banquet meal
  • traditional Japanese course dinner
  • traditional Japanese multiple-course meal
  • traditional Japanese multi-course haute cuisine

Japanese course-style meal offered at banquets and dinner parties

traditional Japanese-style cuisine served at banquets

traditional Japanese course meal basically includes one soup and three other dishes

It is commonly served at high-class restaurants and at Japanese-style hotels.

It is generally served as a course menu, and the individual dishes are rarely ordered independently.

Kaiseki ryori is traditional Japanese haute cuisine and is served at ryokans and high-end Japanese restaurants.


Kaiseki dishes are served one after another in order.

The order differs slightly at each restaurant.

The set, which consists of rice, tomewan (miso soup), and kōnomono (pickled vegetables), is always served toward the end of the meal before dessert.

3椀物/吸い物(Wammono/Suimono)clear soup
4向付/お造り(Mukozuke/Otsukuri)sashimi (raw fish slice)
5鉢肴/焼き物(Hachizakana/Yakimono)broiled/grilled dish
6煮物(Nimono)simmered dish
7揚げ物(Agemono)deep-fried dish
8蒸し物(Mushimono)steamed dish
9止め肴/酢の物(Tomezakana/Sunomono)vinegared dish
11汁物(Shirumono)miso soup
12香の物/漬物(Kōnomono/Tsukemono)pickled vegetables
13水菓子(Mizugashi)または 和菓子(Wagashi)Dessert of fruit or Japanese confectionery


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