
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

海外からの観光客の間でも大変人気があり、日本食の「旨味」の真骨頂である「Dashi / 出汁」の味わいは、人々を魅了し続けています。


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異文化の人々にとって、外国の食べ物の名前は新鮮に聞こえますので、まずは「kitsune udon」や「zarusoba」のように日本名で伝えて、相手が分からないときは材料や作り方などを添えるのが良いでしょう。


Soba noodles are made from buckwheat flour and are prepared in various hot and cold dishes.

Soba is a Japanese noodle dish consisting of buckwheat and served hot with soy-based broth or cold with dipping sauce (tsuyu).

Buckwheat comes from a plant that is relatively easy to grow, even when the soil is thin.

Soba is basically eaten as “Zaru-soba,” which is made by boiling and cooling soba noodles and dipping them in a sauce (tsuyu) with Welsh onion, wasabi, and other condiments, or as “Kake-soba,” which is soba prepared in a hot soup.

Soba noodles are made by mixing buckwheat flour, wheat flour, yam (a Japanese mountain potato), and egg whites with water into a dough and then cutting it into thin, long pieces.

Once boiled, soba is served hot with a soy-based dashi broth or cold with a dipping sauce (tsuyu).

Soba is a brownish noodle soup made from buckwheat flour, and wheat flour and yam (a Japanese mountain potato) are also used as binding agents.

Soba made from only buckwheat flour is called “Juwari-soba.”

Soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour are called “Juwari-soba.”

“Juwari” means “pure” or “unadulterated.”
(「十割」とは、純粋 または 不純物のない、という意味です。)

Soba noodle soup is made from the same components as the dipping sauce for the chilled soba.

“Tsuyu” is a Japanese soup base used in noodle dishes and is made from boiling kombu (kelp) and katsuobushi (bonito flakes).

Soba tsuyu is prepared with soy sauce, sake, kombu (kelp), katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), and so on.

Soba noodles are very popular and easily available in Japan.
(お蕎麦は大変人気なので、日本の至るところで食べられます。→ available「利用可能である」)

In soba restaurants, Zaru-soba and Mori-soba come with soba-yu (hot buckwheat water).

You can drink the mixture of dipping sauce (tsuyu) and soba-yu after eating the noodles.


もりそば / Mori-soba

Chilled soba noodles are served on a flat basket with dipping sauce (tsuyu) on the side.

Mori-soba is the most basic kind of cold soba served on a flat basket or plate.

Mori-soba is plain, cold soba noodles served with a dipping sauce (tsuyu).

ざるそば / Zaru-soba

Cold soba noodles topped with shredded dried seaweed served on a bamboo draining basket with dipping sauce

Cold buckwheat noodles with shredded dried seaweed are usually called zaru-soba.

Zaru-Soba are cold buckwheat noodles on a latticed bamboo tray with shredded dried seaweed.

Zaru-Soba are cold soba noodles that are served on a latticed bamboo tray with shredded dried seaweed.

Zaru-Soba is a chilled noodle dish made from buckwheat flour and served on a latticed bamboo tray with chilled dipping sauce (tsuyu) on the side.



かけそば / Kake-soba


  • soba in hot broth
  • buckwheat noodle broth/soup
  • soba noodles in soy-based dashi broth

buckwheat noodles served in a bowl of hot, soy-based dashi broth

hot soba noodles served in a soup with a rich dashi broth flavored with kelp, dried bonito flakes and soy sauce

buckwheat noodle dish served in a hot broth made from boiling kombu (kelp) and katsuobushi (bonito flakes)

きつねそば / Kitsune-soba

  • soba noodle soup topped with pieces of fried bean curd

fried bean curd は厚揚げのことで、deep-fried soybean curd でもOKです。

たぬきそば / Tanuki-soba

天かすは、”bits of deep-fried tempura batter” や “fried tempura batter crusts” などで表現できます。

  • soba noodles topped with bits of deep-fried tempura batter
  • soba noodle soup topped with fried tempura batter crusts


天ぷらそば / Tempura soba

buckwheat noodle soup topped with tempura

月見そば / Tsukimi-soba

hot soba noodles in soup topped with a raw egg

The name “tsukimi” comes from its appearance of a raw egg dropped in hot soba noodle soup looking like the full moon.

鴨南蛮そば / Kamo-nanban soba

soba noodles with duck meat and leeks

Kamo-nanban soba is a warm noodle dish in dashi broth with duck meat and green onions.

年越しそば / Toshikoshi-soba

  • New Year’s Eve noodles

Toshikoshi-soba is eaten at the end of the year.

Traditionally, Japanese people eat buckwheat needles on New Year’s Eve.

Soba symbolizes a long life because it is long in shape.

うどん / Udon



Japanese thick wheat noodles

Udon is a white noodle made from wheat flour that is thick and soft.

Udon is made by thinly rolling out wheat flour and water and then cutting the dough in fine strips.

Udon is a Japanese noodle dish made from wheat flour.

The cooking method and ingredients for udon are basically the same as for soba.

Udon is typically served in hot broth and eaten with Welsh onion and other garnishes.

Udon noodles are cooked in a tasty broth made from dried bonito flakes and kelp.



かけうどん / Kake-udon

  • hot udon noodle soup
  • udon in hot dashi broth

udon in a clear broth made from bonito flakes and kelp stock

きつねうどん / Kitsune-udon

udon topped with fried tofu (bean curd)

fried bean curd は厚揚げのことで、deep-fried soybean curd でもOKです。

たぬきうどん / Tanuki-udon


  • udon topped with bits of deep-fried tempura batter
  • udon noodle soup topped with fried tempura batter crusts

天かすは、bits of deep-fried tempura batter や、fried tempura batter crusts などで表現できます。

月見うどん / Tsukimi-udon

hot udon noodles in soup topped with a raw egg

カレーうどん / Curry udon

udon (Japanese chewy noodles) served in a spicy curry-flavored broth

a spicy noodle dish made with Japanese thick wheat noodles served in a thick, glossy curry-flavored dashi soup

鍋焼きうどん / Nabeyaki-udon

  • udon noodle pot
  • Japanese hot pot-style udon dish

udon noodle pot with tempura, an egg and vegetables

hot udon noodle soup served in an earthen pot called “donabe.”

Point「hot pot」は、「煮込み用の鍋」または「鍋料理」の意味で使うことができます。
「鍋料理」と明確にしたい場合は、「pot dish」、「one-pot dish」、「hot pot dish」などと表現します。


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