
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



At the tea ceremony, you have to be careful not to step on the border of the tatami (Japanese straw mat).

Details of the etiquette can slightly vary between the different schools.

1. Sit in seiza style.

2. Listen to the host’s greeting and respond by bowing.

3. When the sweets are served, say “Osakini” to the next guest and bow once.

4. Place the sweets on your kaishi (pre-inserted paper between your kimono collar) and eat them.
(お菓子を懐紙に取り、お菓子をいただきます。→ 予め着物の襟の間に入れておいた紙)

5. When the tea is served, say “Otemae chōdai itashimasu” to the host and bow once.

6. Lift the tea bowl with the right hand.

7. Place the bowl on the left palm and hold it with the right hand.

8. Turn the bowl clockwise two times to avoid having the front of the bowl.

9. Drink the tea quietly.

10. Finish the tea in three or four sips.

11. Make noise at the last sip as you finish it.

12. Wipe the edge of the bowl with your first finger and thumb.
(飲み口/お茶碗のふち を人差し指と親指で清めます。)

13. Clean your fingers with kaishi (a paper sheet).

14. Turn the bowl counterclockwise two times.

15. Give back the bowl and bow once to express your thanks.

16. Say “Kekko na otemae deshita” (it was a good tea) to the host.

The number of rotations of the tea bowl varies depending on the school.

If your legs go to sleep, it’s OK to sit in a relaxed position.


「足が痺れる」は、go numb, go to sleep, fall asleep などの表現があります。


ご興味のある方は、英語で説明する日本のお菓子と和菓子 も書いておりますので、是非ご覧になってください。


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