英語で説明する【徳川家康 − 天下分け目の福耳男】

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Tokugawa Ieyasu(1542〜1616)

英語で説明する【豊臣秀吉】 に続き、今回は江戸幕府初代将軍、徳川家康を英語で簡単に説明する表現をご紹介していきます。

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Tokugawa Ieyasu was the founder and first shōgun of the Tokugawa, or Edo, Shogunate of Japan, which ruled Japan from 1603 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868.

The Tokugawa shogunate of Japan, also known as the Tokugawa Bafuku and Edo Bafuku, was the last feudal Japanese military government.

He established the government in Edo in 1603. It lasted for 265 years until 1868, with fifteen Shoguns.


・founder:創設者、創立者、設立者、発起人、(宗教などの) 開祖
・establish:(組織・体制・事業などを) 設立する、創立する、(法律・制度などを) 制定する


The eldest son of Matsudaira Hirotada, the lord of Okazaki-jo Castle in Mikawa province, Tokugawa Ieyasu was born in 1542 in what is now Aichi prefecture.

At the time of his birth, Japan was convulsed by civil war and there were violent feuds between territorial lords.

Growing up in a time of chaotic military conflict, Ieyasu was sent as a hostage at four years old to cement a Matsudaira alliance with the neighboring Imagawa clan.

After Imagawa Yoshimoto was defeated by Oda Nobunaga in the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, Ieyasu became free at last, and he immediately allied with Nobunaga, unifying Mikawa province.


・lord:❶高位の貴族 ❷(封建時代の)領主、地主、荘園主
・prefecture:(フランス・イタリア・日本などにおける) 行政区、県、都 など
・convulse:【自動詞】身悶えする、痙攣する /【他動詞】激しく揺さぶる、(国会・社会などを) 動揺させる
・feud:(特に一族・グループ同士などの長期にわたる) 争い、確執
・defeat:【名詞】敗北、(計画などの) 失敗 /【他動詞】(試合・戦争などで) 相手を破る、うち負かす
・ally:【名詞】❶(戦争における) 同盟国 ❷協力者、味方 /【自動詞】(with, to) 〜と同盟する、協力する
・province:❶(行政区画としての) 州、省 ❷(昔の日本の) 国 ❸(学問・活動などの) 専門分野


In 1572, Ieyasu was defeated by Takeda Shingen in the Battle of Mikatagahara, and it was the only battle that Ieyasu lost in his life. However, in 1582, he and Nobunaga defeated the Takeda family.

Ieyasu was on bad terms with Hideyoshi for a while, but Ieyasu came to serve him because Hideyoshi asked him to do so.


・defeat:【名詞】敗北、(計画などの) 失敗 /【他動詞】(試合・戦争などで) 相手を破る、うち負かす
・be on bad terms with:不仲である、不和である、仲たがいしている


On Hideyoshi’s recommendation, Ieyasu moved his military headquarters to Edo (now Tokyo) in 1590 and began construction on a castle.

As a result, thousands of his vassals moved there, and the population of the town exploded.

After Hideyoshi’s death resulted in a power struggle among the daimyo, the ambitious chief of “Go-tairo” (the Council of Five Elders), Ieyasu, hoping to assume power over the entire regime, became the rival of the chief of “Go-bugyo” (the Five Commissioners), Ishida Mitsunari.


・headquarters:(組織・軍隊・警察などの) 本部、司令部、本署
・construction:❶建設、建造 ❷(理論・体系などの) 構成、組み立て ❸(かたく) 解釈、意味
・vassal:(封建時代の) 家臣、臣下、召使い
・explode:❶(火薬・ガス・タンクなどが) 爆発する、破裂する ❷(人口などが) 急激に増大する ❸(人が、感情などを) あらわにする
・struggle:【自動詞】苦闘する、困難に打ち勝つために懸命に努力する /【名詞】闘争、戦い
・assume:❶仮定する、(証拠はないが) 当然とみなす ❷(理論・考えなどが) 〜を前提とする ❸(かたく) 実権を握る
・regime:(通例非難して) 政権、政府、政治体制


This rivalry between the Ieyasu and Mitsunari factions developed into an enormous war, the Eastern Army led by Ieyasu and the Western Army led by Mitsunari collided in Sekigahara in 1600.

This is called “the Battle of Sekigahara,” known as the Realm Divide.


・faction:(政党内部などの) 派閥、党派、対立グループ
・develop:❶発達する、発展させる ❷開発する、制作する ❸病気になる ❹(性質・嗜好・感情・評判などを) 持つようになる、だんだんと〜になる
・collide:(移動しているものが) 互いに正面衝突する


In 1603, Ieyasu was appointed “Seii-taishōgun” (Barbarian Subduing General) by the Court, and he set up the Edo Bakufu (Shogunate).

He set out some of his loyal retainers as daimyo, expanded Edo-jo Castle, reclaimed land from the sea, and developed the city structure of Edo.

In 1605, he passed the title of shogun on to his son, Hidetada, and continued to strengthen his hold on power until his death in 1616.


・appoint:(正式に、要職に) 任命する、指名する
・develop:❶発達する、発展させる ❷開発する、制作する ❸病気になる ❹(性質・嗜好・感情・評判などを) 持つようになる、だんだんと〜になる
・expand:❶(大きさ・数・重要性の点で) ふくらませる、膨張させる ❷(事業・経済・システムなどを) 拡大する、発展させる
・reclaim:❶(金銭・持ち物などの) 返還を請求する ❷(森林・沼地などを) 開拓する、干拓する



The three most powerful warlords of the Sengoku period, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, all had very different characters.

Their personalities are contrasted by the following parable.

Oda Nobunaga

If a bird doesn’t sing, kill it.
(鳴かぬなら 殺してしまえ ホトトギス)

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

If a bird doesn’t sing, make it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴かせて見せよう ホトトギス)

Tokugawa Ieyasu

If a bird doesn’t sing, wait for it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス)


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