英語で説明する【日本の大晦日③ − 年越し蕎麦と除夜の鐘】

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英語で説明する歳神様・年神様 に続き、今回は年越し蕎麦と除夜の鐘を英語で説明する表現をご紹介していきます。

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年越し蕎麦 / Toshikoshi-soba



  • 細くて長いものを食べることで、「長寿や延命を祈願する」説
  • お蕎麦は他の麺に比べて切れやすいため、「古い年の労苦や厄を断ち切って新しい年を迎える」説
  • 穀物としての蕎麦は、小麦などに比べて、寒くて土地がやせていても栽培できることから「健康を願う」説
  • その昔、金銀細工師が金粉を集めるためにそば団子を使用したことによる「お金を集める縁起物」説


“Toshikoshi” means year-crossing.
(Toshikoshi とは、「年越し」を意味します。)

Toshikoshi-soba is a traditional Japanese buckwheat noodle dish eaten on New Year’s Eve.

On New Year’s Eve, we eat buckwheat noodles called “toshikoshi-soba.”

It is said that the custom of eating soba on New Year’s Eve started in the Edo era.

In Japan, there is a custom of eating toshikoshi-soba noodles on the last day of the year.

According to one theory, we can cut our hardship of the old year and welcome the new year because soba noodles are easily cut while eating.

Soba is thin and long in shape, so it symbolizes a wish for a long life.

It is said that thin and long soba noodles signify long life, so people eat them in hopes of longevity.

除夜の鐘 / Joya-no-kane

「除夜」とは、一年の最後の夜 つまり「大晦日の夜」のことです。



  • the bells on New Year’s Eve
  • temple bells of New Year’s Eve
  • bell ringing on New Year’s Eve
  • New Year’s Eve bells


「煩悩」とは、「肉体や心の欲望」「 人間の心身の苦しみのもととなる、邪悪で欲深い精神」などを意味しますが、

  • evil desires
  • evil passions that disturb your mind
  • worldly desires
  • earthly desires
  • human desires and passions


Joya-no-kane is originally a Buddhist ritual.

the Japanese custom of ringing temple bells 108 times to get rid of the 108 earthly desires on New Year’s Eve

The temple bells are rung one hundred and eight times around midnight on New Year’s Eve.

Joya-no-kane is a Buddhist tradition where the temple bell is rung 108 times on New Year’s Eve in order to get rid of the 108 evil desires.

Buddhism teaches human beings have 108 evil passions, so temples ring the bell 108 times to remove them.

The number 108 is said to correspond with that of “bonno,” or the earthly desires of human beings, and Buddhist priests ring bells 108 times to drive bonno away.

Many Japanese people welcome the new year with the bell-ringing.




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