英語で説明する【豊臣秀吉 − 下級武士の大出世物語】

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習
Toyotomi Hideyoshi(1537〜1598)

英語で説明する【織田信長】 に続き、今回は安土桃山時代の武将、豊臣秀吉を英語で簡単に説明する表現をご紹介していきます。

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Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a daimyo (Japanese lord) who lived in the age of civil wars and completed the work of national unification begun by Oda Nobunaga in 1590.

He killed Akechi Mitsuhide, and took revenge on his lord Oda Nobunaga and unified Japan.


He was born in 1537 in the Nakamura village in Owari Province (Aichi prefecture), started his service to Oda Nobunaga as a shoe caretaker, and distinguished himself gradually.

Mere eleven days after Nobunaga was killed by Akechi Mitsuhide in the incident at Honno-ji Temple, Hideyoshi first destroyed Mitsuhide at the Battle of Yamazaki.

Later, he defeated Shibata Katsuie, who was in conflict with him, for the right to be Nobunaga’s successor.

In 1584, Hideyoshi battled with Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was allied with Nobukatsu, the second son of Nobunaga, in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute and made Ieyasu obey him.

Thus, Hideyoshi effectively acquired the position of successor to Nobunaga.


・province:❶(行政区画としての) 州、省 ❷(昔の日本の) 国 ❸(学問・活動などの) 専門分野
・distinguish oneself:頭角を現す、名を上げる
・mere:(名詞の前で) ほんの、単なる、〜にすぎない
・ally:【名詞】❶(戦争における) 同盟国 ❷協力者、味方 /【自動詞】(with, to) 〜と同盟する、協力する
・obey:(命令・指示などに) 従う、(規則などを) 守る、(良心などに) 従って行動する
・acquire:(かたく) ❶(財産・権利・資格などを) 得る ❷(知識・技術・習慣などを) 身につける


Furthermore, he built Osaka-jo Castle as his base and was assigned as Kanpaku Daijo-daijin (the Chief Adviser to the Emperor) by the Imperial Court in 1586.

In 1590, Hideyoshi attacked the Hōjō clan of Odawara and subdued the Date family in the Tohoku area.

Hideyoshi further subjugated the daimyo throughout Japan, finally putting an end to the warring states period and he unified Japan.

After the unification of Japan, he carried out Taiko-kenchi (nationwide survey of lands and their productive capacity), abolished a checkpoint, and conducted Katana-gari (confiscation of weapons).

These drastic reforms contributed to the foundation of a centralized state.

Having taken control of Japan, Hideyoshi then turned his eyes abroad, toward the Korean Peninsula and even China.

In 1597, Hideyoshi staged a second invasion of Korea, which led to his downfall, and he died at the age of 62.


・be assigned:❶(部署・部隊・地位などに) 任命される、派遣される、命じられる ❷(時・場所・任務などを) 割り当てられる
・subdue:❶(軍隊・警察などが、暴徒・反乱などを) 鎮圧する、制圧する ❷(感情などを) 抑える
・abolish:(人・機関が、正式に制度・慣習・規則を) 廃止する、撤廃する
・contribute:(時間・援助・お金などを) 提供する、(団体・事業などに) 貢献する、寄与する
・invasion:❶侵入、侵略 ❷(人・物などの) 殺到 ❸(権利などの) 侵害



The three most powerful warlords of the Sengoku period, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, all had very different characters.

Their personalities are contrasted by the following parable.

Oda Nobunaga

If a bird doesn’t sing, kill it.
(鳴かぬなら 殺してしまえ ホトトギス)

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

If a bird doesn’t sing, make it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴かせて見せよう ホトトギス)

Tokugawa Ieyasu

If a bird doesn’t sing, wait for it.
(鳴かぬなら 鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス)


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