
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



Dad, will your car be free to use next Saturday?

How about driving to the beach?

It is a thrill to go for a ride in my new car.

You take the wheel this time. 

Did you fasten your seatbelt?
Did you buckle up?

You’re driving too fast, aren’t you?

Slow down, John! You’re going too fast!
スピードを落として、ジョン! 速すぎるわ!)

Please reduce speed at the corners.

Keep your eyes on the road while driving.

Please let me focus on driving.

Put your juice back in the cup holder.

Can you take over the wheel? I’m getting tired.
運転を変わってくれる? 疲れてきた。)

I have to make a detour.

We were supposed to turn left back there.
(さっきの道を左に曲がるべきだったんだ。→ suppose の過去形は「〜するはずだった」という意味)

We’re on the right road.

Can I roll down the window?

We’re running out of gas.

Look, there’s a gas station.

Parking is impossible around here.

I guess I got carsick.

The car in front of us is crawling.


・take the wheel:自動車を運転する
・reduce:(大きさ・数量・価格などを) 減少させる
・take over the wheel:運転の交代を引き受ける
・make a detour:迂回する
・get carsick:車に酔う
・crawl:(車などが) のろのろ進む(along, by)、(時などが) ゆっくりと経過する


Let’s check the traffic information on the radio.

You won’t be able to go to the restroom for at least an hour.

We’re approaching the tollgate.

Let’s take a break at the next rest area.

We will get off the highway and use ordinary roads.

Didn’t we just miss the exit?
(出口を通り過ぎちゃったんじゃない? →「見逃す」という意味)

This is a no-passing zone.

The traffic is inching along.

There is enough space between cars.


・toll gate:料金所
・miss:(狙ったものを) 取り損なう、〜し損なう、逃(のが)す
・inch along:少しずつ動く、進む


It’s risky to drive without a seatbelt.

I missed the stop sign.

You are not supposed to park your car here.

We have to follow the traffic laws when we drive.

The car was going over the speed limit.

I got a ticket for speeding.

A car can’t make it through from here on.

If we park here, we run the chance of having the car towed away.

Watch out for the traffic when you cross the street.


・miss:(狙ったものを) 取り損なう、〜し損なう、のがす
・follow:後について行く、(指示・助言・命令などに) 従う
・make it through:~をうまくやり遂げる、乗り切る
・run the chance:〜する危険を冒す
・tow away:レッカー移動させる
・watch out:気をつける、警戒する


The car is roomy inside.

I didn’t get my first car until I was 20.

He failed his driving test five times.

I got my driver’s license when I was 18 years old.

The car battery will go dead if the lights are left on.
(車のライトを点けっぱなしにしていると、バッテリーが上がってしまう。→ 機器などが「故障する・稼働しなくなる」という意味)

I avoid unnecessary idling.

I stepped on the accelerator to overtake the slow car.

There must have been an accident or something.

Traffic accidents are frequent at this corner.

There are so many car accidents at that intersection.

The traffic is heavy along this street at this time of the day.

Thanks to wearing a seatbelt, I survived the accident.

The man who repeatedly blew the horn put up the middle finger to me.

He scraped his car on the utility pole at the corner.


・roomy:(家・車などが) 広々とした、ゆとりのある広さの
・fail:(人・試み・計画などが) 失敗する、うまくいかない
・avoid:(好ましくないことを) 避ける
・thanks to:〜のおかげで (良い意味でも皮肉をこめた意味でも使われます)
・scrape:(表面を) こすり落とす (off/away)、こすって傷つける (against/on)


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