
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

車の運転に関する英語表現 に続き、今回は「運行する」「発車する」など、電車に関する英語の表現を、例文とともにご紹介していきます。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



I’d like a one-day pass, please.

Does this one-day pass allow unlimited rides?
(一日乗車券は乗り降りは自由ですか? → 「許可する」という意味)

Where is the ticket office?

The ticket won’t come out of the machine.

I can’t get my change back.

A second-class ticket to Augsburg, please

Is there any discount for the Eurail Pass?

One-way or a round-trip ticket? − One way, please.
(片道ですか往復ですか。− 片道でお願いします。)

How long is the ticket valid?

Could I change this ticket to first class?

I’d like to reserve a seat on this train.

I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Berlin.

Are any reserved seats available?
(指定席はありますか? →「利用可能である」という意味)

関連記事:【英語】available の使い方いろいろ


・one way:片道
・a round trip:往復
・valid:(切符・書類・契約などが、法的に) 有効な


I’ll see you outside the ticket gate.

What time is the first (train)?

What time does this train leave?

Which track/platform does the train leave from?

Does the train for Ansbach leave from this platform?

What time does the first to Munich?

The train bound for ●● will soon be arriving at track/platform No. 3.

Is this an express or a local train?

Does the train to Frankfurt stop at this station?

Does this train stop at ●● station?
Is this the train reaching ●● station?

You need to catch the local train bound for ▲▲ to reach ●●.

The subway is faster.

It takes about an hour to Maebashi.

Please change to the subway at the second station.

The platform is on the opposite side of the one you get off.

Every train stops at ●●, so you can take any train to come.

You can get information from the train announcement.

The rapid train doesn’t stop at that station.


・bound for:(列車・船・飛行機などが) ~行きの
・as:(主節で示される内容の理由や原因を説明して) 〜だから
・on time:時間通りに、定刻に


Unusually for me, I took a different route today.

The city’s public transportation is very convenient.

Trains run on time and are safe in Japan.

The trains rarely arrive on time in the country.

As you know, Japanese trains are famous for running on time.

The Chiyoda Line and the Odakyu Line link up at Yoyogi-uehara Station.

Everyone clutched the strap when the train swayed.

I accidentally stepped on someone’s foot on the overcrowded train.

I went to the next station because I fell asleep on the train.

It takes only one hour to get there on this highway.

We can take a sleeper to Chicago.

The train’s air conditioning is working (at) full blast, and it’s freezing.

Did you enjoy the train ride during your journey across Europe?


・clutch:(物・人を) しっかりと掴む
・sway:【自動詞】❶(人・木などが) 揺れる、揺れ動く ❷(人・意見などが) ぐらつく、動揺する /【他動詞】❶(意見などを変えるよう)人をぐらつかせる ❷(木などを) 揺らす
・clutch:(物・人を) しっかりと掴む、握る
・full blast:(送風・出力・作業などが) フル稼働で
・blast:(爆弾の) 爆破、突風、(空気・風の) ひと吹き、爆風、大音響


The trains and subways were suspended for hours.

The line is suspended because of the accident.

The train is temporarily being stopped because of an injury accident.

Trains are not running. How should I get home?

This train will be delayed because the train ahead is moving slowly.

I’m afraid that the express train might be late because of the snowstorm.

Many commuters were inconvenienced by the earthquake.



・suspend:(ややかたく) 中断する、停止する、延期する
・because of:〜が原因で、〜の理由で
・delay:【名詞】遅れ、遅延 /【他動詞】(ややかたく) 延期する、遅らせる
・inconvenience:(人・事柄が) 人に迷惑・不便をかける


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