
Posted in オフィス英会話, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



I’ll be late for work because of a doctor’s appointment.

I’m going to be a little late because of a train delay.

I’m delayed by the heavy traffic, and I won’t get there until 10:00.

I’m not feeling well. I think I need to take the day off today.

I’ll have to stop in at the hospital, so could I take the morning off?

I will come into work in the morning and take the afternoon off.

I’ll go straight to ABC Company before work this morning.

I’ll be about 10 minutes late for our meeting.

I apologize for the delay.


・because of:〜が原因で、〜の理由で
・delay:【名詞】遅れ、遅延 /【他動詞】(ややかたく) 延期する、遅らせる
・take the day off:(会社に申請して) 休みをとる
・stop in/by:(くだけて) 立ち寄る (in は by よりもやや滞在が長いニュアンス)


I made it! Just in time for work.
(良かった! ギリギリ間に合った。)

I overslept and got to work at 9:20.

I got to work at 8:10, earlier than usual.

I stopped in/by the hospital on my way to work.

I forgot to stamp my time card. I’ll be recorded as having been late for work.


・比較級 than usual:いつもより
・stop in/by:(くだけて) 立ち寄る (in は by よりもやや滞在が長いニュアンス)


Is it okay if I leave early today?

May I go home early because I don’t feel so well?

I’m going straight home from the meeting.

I’ll leave the office at the regular time today.

I’m leaving now. See you tomorrow.

He left his work unfinished and went home.

Let’s call it a day.

Are you still at the office?

I just got off work.

He is the first one to get to the office and the last one to leave.

Drinking with co-workers after office hours is part of our job.

I’ll be going straight to XYZ Company tomorrow morning.

I forget all about work as soon as I leave the office.


・call it a day:(十分にやったので) これで終わりにする
・as soon as:〜するとすぐに


There is a pile of documents on his desk.

He is usually out making the rounds.

The important documents are in the safe.

He spent most of the morning straightening up his office.


・pile:(同種の) 山、積み重ね
・straighten (up):片付ける、整理整頓する


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