英語で説明する京都【銀閣寺 − 慈照寺】

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Kyoto is a wonderful place for walking and exploring, both inside the city and on the outskirts. The best-known parts of the city are Higashiyama, where Ginkaku-ji temple, Kiyomizudera temple, and Heian-jingu shrine are found.

Ginkaku-ji can be reached by direct bus #5, #17, or #100 from Kyoto Station in about 40 minutes.


Ginkaku-ji, also known as Jisho-ji, is a Rinzai Zen temple.

Ginkaku-ji temple belongs to the Shokoku-ji sect of the Rinzai school of Zen.

Jisho-ji was registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994.

It was originally built by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa as one of the buildings of the Higashiyama villa in 1490 and was intended to enshrine a statue of the Kannon Bodhisattva.

Although Ginkaku means “silver hall,” this wooden building is not covered with silver.

It was designed like a pavilion with a phoenix on top, in a style similar to the Kinkaku. However, from the outset, the building was painted with black lacquer and not covered with silver leaf.

After Yoshimasa’s death, it was converted to a Zen temple.

The name “Ginkaku” was not given to the building by Yoshimasa, but some time later by people who compared Ginkaku with Kinkaku, built by Yoshimitsu.

Ginkaku-ji is a symbol of Higashiyama culture’s “wabi” and “sabi.”

Unlike the brilliant Kinkaku-ji, the appearance of Ginkaku-ji is humble and is said to represent the Japanese aesthetics, “wabi sabi.”

“Wabi sabi” is a traditional Japanese aesthetic that finds beauty in refined simplicity and imperfection.


Aside from the Kannon-do, the only other original villa structure at Ginkaku-ji is the Togu-do, which was created to situate the statues of Buddha for worship.

The building also contains a statue of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, but its most famous aspect is Yoshimasa’s office, known as the tearoom, Dojin-sai, which was designed by Murata Shuko, the founder of wabicha (tea ceremony).

From a technical perspective, Ginkaku-ji is considered one of the earliest buildings that defined the style of architecture called “shoin-zukuri.” Shoin means study room.
(技術的な観点で言いますと、銀閣寺は「書院造」と呼ばれる建築様式を定義した最初の建造物のひとつとされています。Shoin とは 書斎のことです。)

The elegant shoin (study room) architecture has Japanese aesthetics of refinement and simplicity.

The shoin-zukuri was originally employed for the studies used by Buddhist monks.

The style of architecture was popular among samurai for its simplicity and became the origin of tea ceremony rooms.

Yoshimasa used the Shoin style for a room called the Dojin-sai in the Togu-do, where he placed four-and-a-half tatami mats and built a study desk and shelves of different heights. He enjoyed the tea ceremony there.

The building “Togu-do” holds the oldest tearoom in Japan, its simple and classic design served as a model for many later tearooms.


You will find walkways leading through the gardens that were laid out by painter Sōami in the Muromachi period.

As soon as you enter the precincts, you will notice two large objects made of white sand that look like pieces of modern art.

“Kōgetsu-dai,” the moon-facing platform, resembles Mt. Fuji, and “Ginsha-dan,” the silver sea of sand, looks like a rippled expanse of water.

In the rock garden at Ginkaku-ji you see raked cones of white sand, which are designed to reflect the moonlight at night.

The gardens include cones of white sand known as kōgetsudai, designed to reflect moonlight and enhance the beauty of the garden at night.


enhance は、価値・質・魅力などを「高める」「より良くする」という意味です。


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