
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

costpay などのほかに、為替や貯金などに関する表現も例文とともにご紹介していきます。

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cost は、費用や金額、時間などが「かかる」という意味で、結果的に「犠牲を必要とする」というニュアンスです。名詞では、支払うべき「費用」を表します。

The picture cost him 5,000 euros.

According to a rough estimate, it will cost approximately 50 dollars.

Drunken driving can cost you your life.

In the end, the war costs many lives.

A new security system has been installed at a cost of 100,000 dollars.


・rough estimate:おおよその見積もり
・according to:❶(情報源を示して) 〜によれば ❷(ルール・指示・計画などに) 従って
・at a cost of:~を費やして、~を犠牲にして


pay は、代金を「支払う」という意味の最も一般的な語で、お金だけでなく pay attention「注意を払う」や pay the penalty「報い・代償を払う」など、多くの使い方があります。

You can pay your tuition twice a year.

I’ll pay in full at the end of the month.

Last month, I forgot to pay the electricity bill.

Crime doesn’t pay.
(犯罪は割に合わない。→ 悪事を働けば必ず罰せられる)

We must pay attention to traffic signals.


・tuition:(大学・私立学校などの) 授業料
・pay attention to:〜に注意を払う


spend は、お金や時間などを「費やす」という意味で、「〜をして過ごす」という表現もあります。

She spent more than 30,000 thousand dollars on clothing.

An expense is the amount of money you spend on something.

She spends most of her time to music.

He didn’t spend much time on his work.

spent the weekend with friends.


save は、皆さんご存知の「救う・助ける」のほかに、「蓄える・お金を貯める」という意味があります。

We’re saving for a car.

Let’s walk and save the bus fare.

I save one thousand dollars every month.

His parents are saving for his college education.

Are you saving money / Do you set money aside for a rainy day?


・set aside:(特定の目的のために) とっておく
・rainy day:❶雨の日 ❷まさかの時、災難時


I’d like to exchange some money.

Do you have a change machine?

I’d like to have ten 10’s and five 20’s.

Could you give me change for a twenty?
(20ドル札をくずしていただけますか。→ この change は「小銭」という意味)

Could you change this 100-dollar bill into tens, please?

Where can I change foreign currency?

What’s today’s exchange rate?
Can I see today’s rate?

I’d like to exchange 1,000 Euros for American dollars.

How much commission do you charge?

In recent years, the value of the dollar relative to the euro has declined.


・relative to:〜に対して、〜に関連して
・decline:❶(量・数などが) 減少する、(質・水準・重要性・価格などが) 下がる ❷(かたく)(招待・申し出・依頼などを) 丁寧に断る、辞退する


One-cent coins build up quickly.

Imagine yourself with a large sum of money.

He thinks that money talks in any case.

I lost a chance to make a lot of money.

Will you pay me back the money you owe me on your next payday?

Rich people don’t always live fulfilling lives.

I’m up to my neck in debt.

The payment deadline is only three days away.

My wife is incompetent with money.

Daniel is always complaining about his salary.

He thinks money will get her anything.

He uses money to manipulate people.

My yearly income is seventy thousand dollars.

That guy got a lot of money through dishonest means.

Give up on ever getting back the money you lent to someone.


・build up:(程度が) 増大する、形作る
・manipulate:(人・世論・価格などを巧みに) 操る、操作する
・income:(定期的な) 収入、所得


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