
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



send は、物を「送る・届ける」を表す最も一般的な語で、手紙や小包などのほかに、メールや信号などを送る場合にも使われます。

I’d like to send this by registered mail.

I’d like to send this in the cheapest way possible.

How much would it cost to send this by airmail?

I’d like to send this to London by air.

Please send it by special delivery/express.


mail は、主に北米で「ポストに投函する」動作を表すときによく使われます。名詞では「郵便・郵便物」という意味になります。

Will you mail this letter for me on your way to the station?

Please send this by registered mail.


・on one’s way to:〜に行く途中で
・registered (米)mail/(英)post:書留


post は、主にイギリスで手紙や小包などを「投函する・郵送する」という意味で、名詞では「郵便・郵便物」になります。

I posted them an invitation.

I tried to post a letter, but it came back because I wrote the wrong address on it.

The doorbell rang when she was opening her post.


deliver は、手紙や物などを「配達する・届ける」のほか、伝言などを「伝える」という意味があります。

The package was delivered yesterday.

I ordered my pizza an hour ago, but it still hasn’t been delivered.

He delivers newspapers every morning in his neighborhood.

This package is cash-on-delivery. It comes to fifteen dollars.


・cash-on-delivery (COD):代引き
・it comes to:(お会計時や値段を伝えるとき) 〜円です


ship は、「船に載せる」「運送する」のほか、製品を「出荷する」などの意味もあります。

Without your full payment, we will be unable to ship your order.

The book I want to buy is on backorder and won’t be shipped for a week.

He keeps waiting for his ship to come in.


・back(-)order または back order:入荷待ちの状態、取り寄せ注文
・ship comes in:お金が入る、財産ができる


Could you take this package to the post office?

Please wait here until your number is called.

I’d like to have this parcel registered.

Would you like to send it by airmail or surface mail?

How much is the postage for this package/parcel?

I’d like this package insured.
(この小包に保険をかけたいです。→ insure の形容詞形で「保険をかけた」という意味)

I’d like to send this package using a refrigerated delivery service.

Please put a FRAGILE sticker on it.

When can I expect it to get to New York?

These goods are exempt from customs.

Your package hasn’t cleared customs yet.

This is a non-standard-sized item.

I‘m moving and I’d like to forward my mail to my new address.



・surface/sea mail:(航空便に対して) 陸便、船便
・insure:(人・財産などに) 保険をかける
・exempt from:(義務などから) 免除される
・custom:(空港・港の) 税関
・clear customs:税関を通る


I’ll track the package online.

Her hands were shaking when she opened the letter.

Will you fetch me today’s mail from the mailbox?

I enclosed a self-addressed and stamped envelope for reply.

I want to send a package, so could you come pick it up?


・track:(人・動物・飛行機・船などを) 追跡する、動きを追う
・fetch:(場所へ行って) 物を取って来る、人を連れて来る


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