
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

朝の準備に関する英語表現 に続き、「お風呂に入る」「寝る」など、夜の時間に関する英語表現を、例文とともにご紹介していきます。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



Hi, mom!

Hey Patrick. Did you learn something about it that interested you? 

I’m enjoying history but find chemistry challenging.

Are you drunk again?
(また飲んできたの? →「酔っ払っている」という意味)

Ah, I‘m exhausted.

Today was really hectic.

I always wash my hands and gargle when I go home.

What’s for dinner tonight? − It’s roast beef! You gonna love it
(今日の夕飯は何?ー ローストビーフよ。美味しいわよ!)

I ate too much. I’m full.

My stomach is about to explode.

Would you clear the table?

Take your dishes to the kitchen and soak them in the sink, please.

There’s room for dessert.

 There’s some ice cream in the freezer.

I baked some cream puffs.


・exhausted:❶疲れ果てた、疲れ切った ❷使い尽くされた、枯渇した
・be about to do:まさに〜しようとしている
・explode:❶(火薬・ガス・タンクなどが) 爆発する、破裂する ❷(人口などが) 急激に増大する ❸(人が、感情などを) あらわにする
・room:❶部屋、空間 ❷余地、機会
・cream puff:シュークリーム


Can I take a bath first?

Mom’s in the bath right now.

Will you check the temperature of the bath (water)?

I prefer soaking in the bathtub to taking a shower.

Wash yourself well in the bath.

She sank into the hot bath.

I feel dizzy.


・prefer A to B:B より A のほうが好き
・sink:❶(船・物・人などが) 沈む、浸かる ❷(人・動物などが) 弱る、状況が悪化する


It’s time you went to bed.

Turn off the TV and go to bed right now.

I set the alarm clock for 6:30.

Make sure to set the alarm before going to sleep.

Wake me up by seven tomorrow.

I have to get up early. I guess I should get to bed now.

The weekend seems so far away.


Give your brain a rest and get good sleep.

Sleep tight.

It’s difficult to sleep on that hard bed.

He lay awake for a while after getting into bed.

I pillowed my head on his arm.

My husband snores so loudly.

I constantly toss and turn during sleep.

I’m a light sleeper.

I hope you’ll sleep better tonight.

I had a nightmare last night.
(昨夜 怖い夢を見た。)

I can’t believe you slept through that big earthquake last night.

I’ll take out my contact lenses before you go to sleep.


・for a while:しばらくの間
・toss and turn:寝返りをうつ


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