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日本略史 素戔嗚尊/月岡芳年




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Susanoo, also called “Susanoo no Mikoto,” is a deity who appears in Japanese mythology.

His name is written in kanji as 建速須佐之男命 (Takehayasusa no Onomikoto) and 須佐之男命 in “Kojiki” (Records of Ancient Matters), and 素戔男尊 and 素戔嗚尊 in “Nihon Shoki” (Chronicles of Japan).

Besides Susanoo, the most common spelling is Susa-no-O. Older translations of his name include Susano-o, Susa-no-O, Susano’o, and Susanowo.
Susanoo の他に、最も一般的な綴りは Susa-no-O です。彼の名前の古い翻訳には、Susano-oSusano’o、そして Susanowo などがあります。)


It can be said that Susanoo no Mikoto is the most unique god in Japanese mythology.

His temperament is wild, violent and full of manliness, mixed with his ungodlike, complicated personality, he is more widely known for his appeal as a human than as a god.

Susanoo is a passionate god at heart, and his tumultuous nature and disheveled appearance are direct reflections of his attributes as the god of storms.

Like storms, winds, and the sea, Susanoo can be both benevolent and malevolent.

Despite this moral ambivalence, he remains one of the most celebrated heroes in Japanese mythology.

In what is now his most famous feat, he defeated the terrifying eight-headed and eight-tailed serpent, Yamata no Orochi, killing it with his sword, a Totsuka no Tsurugi (lit. sword of ten hand-breadths).

One of the most exciting and popular tales in the Kojiki is Susanoo’s battle with Yamata no Orochi.

Although Susanoo has fearful powers of destruction, he is worshiped at many shrines for having the power to prevent disaster.



In Japanese mythology, Susanoo is the Shinto god of storms. He was born when his father, Izanagi, washed his nose in the ocean while purifying himself after his visit to the underworld.

Izanagi told Susanoo to govern the sea, but he neglected his duties and always cried and desired to meet his dead mother, Izanami, who was then ruling the underworld. Izanagi was infuriated and banished him from the Land of Heaven.

Before leaving, Susanoo went to Takama no Hara (the High Heaven) to say goodbye to his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu, who was born from Izanagi’s left eye.

Amaterasu thought Susanoo had come to attack Takama no Hara, so she armed herself and confronted him.

His name was cleared by proving his sincerity, and he remained in Takama no Hara. But he caused many troubles by destroying rice paddies and scattering excrement over the palace of Takama no Hara.

For this reason, Amaterasu was disappointed by his behavior and hid herself in the rock cave, Ama no Iwato. As a result, the world lost the sun and was thrown into darkness.

The god of wisdom, Omoikane, devised a plan to lure her out. The other gods hung mirrors and magatama jewels on trees and placed roosters in front of the cave.

The gods had a festival during which the cheerful goddess Ama no Uzume did a dance outside the cave, which caused all to thunder with laughter.

Curious to know what the fuss was about, Amaterasu slid the rock slightly to take a look out of the cave.

Not missing the chance, the strongest god, Ame no Tajikarao, grabbed her hand and pulled her outside. Then the other gods placed a sacred rope of rice straw, shimenawa, at the entrance, so she could not return to hiding.

The gods were angry with Susanoo, so they told him to leave Takama no Hara.


画像引用元:村上勉 − 古事記/講談社

高天原を追い出されたスサノオは、旅の途中で出会った美しいクシナダヒメ(櫛名田比売 / 奇稲田姫)に一目惚れしたのですが、彼女がもうすぐ恐ろしい大蛇ヤマタノオロチ(八岐大蛇)に食べられてしまうことを知り、クシナダヒメとの結婚を条件に、ヤマタノオロチを退治することを申し出ました。


The legend of Yamata no Orochi begins with Susanoo’s banishment. Susanoo’s father, Izanagi, expelled him for disobeying his orders, crying that he wanted to meet his dead mother.

Susanoo went to Takama no Hara (Plain of High Heaven) where his sister, the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, lived. However, because of Susanoo’s rude behavior, Amaterasu hid herself in the rock cave called Ama no Iwato. The absence of the sun brought darkness to the world.

The gods managed to lure her out by having a grand party in front of the cave. After that, they told Susanoo to leave Takama no Hara.

After being driven out of Takama no Hara, Susanoo arrived at the Hii River in the land of Izumo. There he saw chopsticks floating down the river.

“There must be people living up the river.” Susanoo kept walking along the river and found a sorrowful family. They were Ashinazuchi, the son of a mountain god, his wife Tenazuchi, and their daughter, Kushinadahime.

Susanoo asked them why they were crying. Ashinazuchi said, “We had eight daughters. But a serpent called Yamata no Orochi eats one of my daughters every year. It will come again this year and eat our final daughter.”

“Yamata no Orochi is a terrifying big snake with eight heads and eight tails. Its stomach is always bloody, and its bright red eyes are constantly looking for something to kill.”

Susanoo fell in love with Kushinadahime at first sight and offered to give them aid. “If I kill the creature, will you give me your daughter?”

Ashinazuchi replied, “Excuse me, but I do not even know your name yet.”

Susanoo said, “I am the younger brother of Amaterasu. And I have just descended from Heaven.” “If that is so, we reverently present her to you.” Ashinazuchi agreed.

First, Susanoo transformed Kushinadahime into a fine-toothed comb and placed her in his hair in order to protect her.

Then he instructed Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi to prepare lots of very strong sake, build a fence around their house with eight gates, and put a pail filled with the sake at each gate.

Susanoo planned to make the serpent drunk and then kill it.

With the preparations completed, he told the elderly couple to hide and wait.

After a while, the sky grew dark, and lightning flashed across the sky. A strong wind blew, and the ground shook. Then, just as the couple had said, the monstrous serpent appeared.

The serpent smelled the sake and rushed to the pails. All serpents love sake, and the Yamata no Orochi was no different.

Each of its eight heads dove into a pail and drank the sake contained within.

After gulping it all down, it became completely drunk and started snoring.

Not wanting to lose the opportunity, Susanoo walked toward the serpent and slayed it with his mighty ten-spanned sword, “Totsuka no Tsurugi” by chopping it into pieces.

Then the blood from the serpent flowed into the river, and the river was dyed bright red.

As he was cutting one of the serpent’s tails, Susanoo’s sword stuck something hard. Susanoo noticed a beautiful sword lodged inside and immediately extracted it from the serpent’s tail.

He gave the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi up to his sister Amaterasu by way of apology for his earlier misdeeds. And Susanoo married Kushinadahime, built a palace and they lived in Izumo.

Kojiki transcribes Yamata no Orochi name as 八岐遠呂智 and the Nihon Shoki writes it as 八岐大蛇.

In the Unnan region of Okuizumo are scattered many places related to the extermination of Yamata no Orochi, such as Susanoo and Kushinadahime’s new palace, Suga Shrine and Inada Shrine, which worships Kushinadahime.


Susanoo was the first deity who composed “Waka,” a classic poetry in Japan.

Eightfold clouds rising
An eightfold Izumo fence
To dwell there with my bride
Build an eightfold fence
Ah! splendid eightfold fence.

八雲立つ / Yakumo tatsu
出雲 八重垣 / izumo yaegaki
妻籠みに / tsumagomi ni
八重垣つくる / yaegaki tsukuru
その八重垣を / sono yaegaki wo

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