【英語】人物描写の表現② − 性格と人柄

Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


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↓ 人の見た目の特徴や服装などを描写する英語表現はこちら


He is good at singing/painting.
(彼女は歌 / 絵が上手だ。)

My mother is a good cook.

My brother is not very good at mathematics.

She has a talent for painting.

He has a gift for music.

He really has a deep voice.

He has good reflexes.

He is very athletic.
He’s got motor skills.

She has beautiful handwriting.

Jack is good/clever with his hands and has built many interesting things.

She was born in New York and raised in Los Angeles.


・be good at:〜が得意である
・have good reflex:反射神経が良い
・gift:(神や自然の恩恵などによる) 才能、天賦の才
・clever:❶利口な、賢い ❷抜け目ない ❸(主に英) 上手な、器用な


Jack is mild-tempered and big-hearted.

Emily is humble and good-natured.

He’s friendly and fun to be with.

She is charming and has a good sense of humor.

She’s well-mannered and reliable.

He is shy and sensitive.

He’s a real social butterfly.

She has a very gentle personality.

He is a sweet sexy boy.

He’s comfortable in the spotlight.

She is really considerate of others.

No one ever says anything bad about him.

He is a really well-educated person.

He is faithful to his wife.

He is cheating on his girlfriend.

Maybe he’s a perfectionist / an optimist.
(彼は完璧主義者 / 楽観主義者かもしれない。)

My husband is too sensitive and detail-oriented.

She always tells jokes and makes me laugh.

He tries to lighten the mood when work gets hectic.

My son gets depressed easily.

Jack is a very quiet and reserved person.

He looks unfriendly, but he is a good person at heart.

You shouldn’t judge people by their appearance.


・reliable:(人・製品などが) 信頼できる、頼りになる
・social butterfly:社交的な人
・the spotlight:世間の目
・reserved:(人・行動などが) 控えめな、遠慮がちな


She’s trigger-happy.

He is a backseat driver.

My boss is a nitpicker.

He is rude and has a dirty mouth.

My father is bullheaded and sensitive.

He can really hold a grudge. Watch out for him.

She got tired of his indecision and dumped him.

I had no idea Noriko was such a blabbermouth.

He suffers from multiple personality disorder.

My husband is very fastidious, so it’s tiring being with him.


・trigger-happy:(むやみに銃を撃ちたがる意味から) 好戦的な、批判的な
・backseat driver:(人の運転に口出しをすることから、求められていないのに) 余計な口出しをする人
・hold a grudge:恨み・憎しみを抱く
・bear/hold/have a grudge (against A):(A に対して) 恨みを抱く
・dump:(くだけて) ❶ドサっと置く、投げ落とす ❷捨てる、投棄する ❸見捨てる、恋人を振る
・multiple personality:多重人格


He was looking blankly at the flow of the river.

My father is reading the newspaper while eating breakfast.

He is sitting with his legs crossed.

She is sitting cross-legged on the bed.

She has flowers in her hand.

She was standing at the corner of the street.


・blankly:❶呆然と、ぼんやりと ❷きっぱりと


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