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囲碁は、英語では Igo ではなく Go と訳されることが多いのですが、このとき動詞の go と区別するために、g を大文字にして Go または Go game とするのが一般的です。

It is said that Go game was introduced to Japan from China via Korea in the 7th century.


Go is a traditional Japanese board game along with shogi.

Go is played on a board with 19×19 grid lines, containing 361 points.

The standard Go board has 361 intersecting points made by 19×19 grid lines.

Go game is played by two people using a Go board.

The playing pieces are called stones.

One player uses the white stones, and the other uses the black ones.

The player with the black stones starts the game.

The players alternately place their Go stones on a vacant intersection to mark out their respective territories.

You can place a stone anywhere on the board except at the point where a stone already is or where placement is prohibited.

Once placed on the board, stones may not be moved.

The players compete on acquiring more territory while obstructing the opponent to gain such territory.

Stones are captured if they are surrounded by the opponent’s stones on all orthogonally adjacent points.

A player may pass when no moves are available. 

When both players pass consecutively, the game is over and is then scored.

The player who has captured more territory at the end of the game is the winner.

Despite its relatively simple rules, Go is a very unique and complex game.

Go game is a profound game that has deep-rooted popularity.

At first, Go was a game for the nobility, but it became popular among the public around the 13th century.


  • 碁盤:Go board
  • 碁石:Go stones
  • 碁笥(ごけ):Go bowl(碁石を入れる丸い容器のことです)
  • 囲む:surround
  • 取る、獲る:capture
  • 交点:point または intersection
  • 交互に、交代で:take turns
  • 空いている:vacant


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