
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



Are you watching that TV series?

Are there any good programs on TV?

They must have made this up.

The football game is now being broadcast.

 The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC.

This anime is on the air even in other countries.

I watch this show every week, rain or shine.

When I watch TV, I always feel like talking back to it.

Next week is the final episode of the drama.

That program is popular among middle-aged audiences.

He has been on that quiz show before and made it to the semi-finals.

When my grandfather was young, television broadcast in black-and-white.

That portion of the interview was broadcast on the news.

This show is a repeat of a broadcast that originally aired on September 1, 2022.

The documentary program was broadcast nationwide last night.

That comedy show has very high ratings.

The show hosted by him gives me a bad feeling.

What kind of shows do you like to watch on TV?

I got hungry while watching the cooking show on TV.

Many TV programs have a bad influence on children.

The show presents itself as reality, but it‘s actually scripted.

We are showing this movie on Thursday 11 June 20XX at 8.30 p.m.
(この映画は20XX年6月11日木曜日の20時30分から放映いたします。→ 現在進行形は、既に決まっている近い未来を表す)

This is an exclusive scoop on our program. Please stay tuned.

The weather forecast announces rain for Saturday.


・broadcast:【他動詞】(放送局などが、テレビ・ラジオ番組を) 放送する、放映する /【形容詞】放送された、広められた
・be on:放送されている
・rain or shine:どんなことがあっても (直訳:雨でも晴れでも)
・have an influence on:〜に影響を与える
・exclusive:独占的な、専有的な、(場所・組織などが) 排他的な
・stay tuned:乞うご期待、チャンネルはそのままで (昔のラジオやテレビの決まり文句に由来)


He watches the 6 o’clock news every evening.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you this special report from ●●.
(●●より臨時ニュースを申し上げます。→ 直訳すると、通常のニュースを「中断させる・遮る」という意味)

Let’s go to our reporter on the scene in Berlin. Mr. ●●?

According to the news report, the ruling coalition has secured 80 seats as of 6 p.m.

The news caused great confusion.

The anchor was constantly criticized for his comments.


・anchor:(報道番組の) ニュースキャスター


I use the radio as my alarm clock.

Let’s check the traffic information on the radio.

The first episode was broadcast on the radio in 1968.

I used to listen to late-night radio a lot when I was a student.

I’d recommend listening to this radio program where Tim narrates mysteries.

This radio station plays all classical music.

That radio personality is famous for his sharp tongue.

I listen to an English conversation program on the radio during my commute.


・sharp tongue:辛辣な、毒舌の
・commute:【名詞】通勤・通学(時間/距離) /【自動詞】通勤する、通学する /【他動詞】取り替える、交換する

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