
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

英語で人柄や性格をほめる に続き、今回は相手の家族や恋人をほめるときに使える英語表現をご紹介していきます。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



What a sweet baby!

Your child is so cute.

Your child looks just like you.

Your daughter is well-mannered.

Your son is a very studious boy.

I see you’ve done a good job of raising your kids.

Your son is already thinking about other people.

Your daughter has grown into a fine woman.

You must be proud of him/her for being such a great kid.


・studious:❶勉強好きな ❷熱心な


You have a wonderful family.

Your brother is good-looking.

You have a good dad, don’t you?

Your mother is classy/elegant.

Your father seems like a nice person.

You inherited your athleticism from your father.

Your mother looks young for her age.

Your mother is beautiful. I see where you got your beauty from.

I can tell that you’re a very close family.


・for one’s age:年齢の割に


You’re a perfect couple.
You two are a perfect match.
You two look like a match made in heaven.
You two are perfect for each other.


I’m going to try our best to be like you since you are a perfect couple.

I’m glad you’re so happy together.

You’ve been together for so long.


・match made in heaven:最高のカップル (直訳:天国で引き合わされた組み合わせ)
・since:【接続詞】(通例現在完了形と共に) 〜以来、(理由・原因) 〜なので、〜だから /【前置詞】〜以来、〜以降


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