
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習


ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



Thank you so much for your invitation to the dinner.

Looks so delicious.
All the food you made looks delicious.

The presentation is beautiful.
The way you present your food is beautiful.


That looks so good, my mouth is watering!

This is a super tasty meal. 

The soup has just the right amount of salt.

This steak is very good.

You made the spaghetti just the way I like it.

The dressing on this salad is tasty.

Your French cooking dishes put a professional to shame.

Everything was so good and delicious!

It was a very nice meal.

You’re really good at cooking.
You’re a good / an excellent cook.
You’re a fantastic cook.
You’re a wizard in the kitchen.
You’re a wizard at cooking.

Why are you such an amazing cook!? 

Where did you learn how to cook such delicious food?

Would you mind giving me the recipe?

I’m afraid I can’t cook anything like you do.

Thank you for the wonderful dinner.



・put a professional to shame:プロ顔負け
・wizard:(男の) 魔法使い、(口語) 天才


You live in a nice quiet and green environment.

The location is very convenient.

It’s a lovely garden.

You have a well-kept garden.

It’s a wonderful home.
This is a very nice house.

Your place is so spacious.

Someday, I hope I can buy a place like this.

This kitchen seems easy to use.

It’s a cozy room.

The interior is very attractive.

This room is beautifully furnished.

I like this sofa.

You have tasteful antique furniture.

You have a good eye for color.

You get a lot of sunlight.

The view from the balcony is nice.

関連記事:【furniture とは何か】英語で「家具」は数えられない!?


・cozy:(部屋・場所などが、こぢんまりとして暖かく) 居心地が良い
・tasteful:(衣服・家具などが) 趣味・センスの良い


What’s his/her name?

It’s a good name.

How old is your cat?

Your puppy is so cute.

It’s so cute I could eat it.

Your cat is very friendly.

Your dog is really smart.

Your dog is very well-behaved.

You’ve trained your dog quite well.


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