
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

英語で家族や恋人をほめる に続き、今回は相手の知識や特技などをほめるときに使える英語表現をご紹介していきます。

ご興味のある方は、当サイトで 英語クイズ(5000問) を出題しておりますので是非ご覧ください。



You know so many things.

You know so much about ●●.
Your knowledge of ●● is very detailed.
You know a lot about ●●, don’t you?
You have detailed/deep knowledge of ●●.
(●● について大変お詳しいですね。/ 深い知識をお持ちですね。)

You know more than I do about this.

I‘m really impressed with your knowledge of this matter.

I’m surprised by how much you know about ●●.

You are a walking encyclopedia.

You are knowledgeable about history.


・be impressed:心打たれる、強い印象を受ける



be good at〜が得意である、上手である
be gifted生来の才能がある
be talented努力によって身につけた才能がある

You are good at drawing.

You‘re good with your hands.

You’re so talented.
You’re so gifted.


You are a woman gifted with both wit and beauty.

You have originality.

You are insightful.
You have keen insight.


You’re really an all-round player.

You are a man of many talents.

You’re making a lot of progress.

No one else can do it like you do.

You have a very beautiful voice.

Your singing skills are amazing. You should go pro!

You have a wonderful sense of rhythm.

I wish I could play the guitar as well as you.

I didn’t know you were such a talented pianist.

You are a gifted musician.

You must have been a musician in a past life.

You’re a great photographer.
You really are good at taking pictures.


You are good at numbers.

You are linguistically adept.

I’m surprised by how well you handle yourself in German.

You are talented in sports.

You excel in many sports.
You are good at all sports.


・insightful:(人・見解が) 洞察に富んでいる
・keen:(通例名詞の前で、関心・意識・感覚などが) 深い、鋭い
・make progress:前進する、進歩する
・adept:【名詞】達人、名人 /【形容詞】熟達して
・excel:(技能などにおいて) 優れている


You put the matter very well.

All your advice has been correct.

You’ve helped me avoid many difficulties.

I’m glad I have someone of your experience with me.


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