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“Oshōgatsu” literally indicates the first month of the year, and it represents the most important annual event of the year in which Japanese people celebrate the New Year.

Oshōgatsu is one of the most important events for the Japanese.

In Japan, “shōgatsu,” the new year, means January, and it is generally celebrated for the first three days of January.

Schools and businesses close for one week starting around December 28th.

On New Year’s Day, people eat the traditional meals of osechi-ryōri (Japanese New Year’s dishes) and ozōni (New Year’s soup with mochi rice cake).

January 1st is a day when many Japanese visit shrines.

People visit shrines and temples to pray for happiness and health.

In the New Year, millions of visitors pour into shrines around the country to pray for happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.

During oshōgatsu (the New Year’s season), it is said that a Shinto deity named “Toshigami” comes down from the sky and watches over his descendants.

It is said that oshōgatsu was originally a festival to welcome “Toshigami,” a Shinto deity, and to pray for a rich harvest for the new year.

Hatsuhinode” is the first sunrise of the year.




  • decoration of straw rope
  • decoration of sacred rice-straw rope


a traditional Japanese New Year’s ornament to be hung on the front door

a traditional Japanese decoration of straw rope placed across the top of the entrance to a house during New Year’s holidays

traditional Japanese New Year decorations made of rice straw that are hung outside the house or company building

a type of shimenawa (braided rice straw rope), which works as a partition between the sacred space and the external world at Shinto shrines

People hang shimekazari over the entrance to their homes to show that the place is sacred.

“Shimekazari” is a traditional Japanese New Year decoration made of shimenawa, a sacred Shinto straw rope, and other materials such as bitter oranges, ferns, and crafted zigzag-shaped white paper strips called “shide.”

It is hung above the entrance of the house to prevent evil spirits from entering while inviting the Toshigami (Shinto deity) to visit.

It has the meaning of yorishiro, an object capable of attracting spirits, where “Toshigami” (the Shinto deity) who promises abundance and health makes a stop before entering the house.


sacred とは、「神聖な」「宗教的な」「厳粛で破ることのできない」という意味です。

門松 / Kadomatsu


“Kado” means a gate, and “Matsu” means a pine tree.
(Kado とは門、Matsu は松の木のことです。)

Kadomatsu is the New Year’s decorative pine branches and bamboo.

New Year’s pine and bamboo decorations which are placed in front of the gates

Kadomatsu is a decoration of pine branches and bamboo that is placed in front of houses or shops during the New Year’s holidays. It is said that this is a traditional way to invite “Toshigami” (the Shinto god).

a pair of decorations of pine branches and bamboo stems placed at the gates of the house during the New Year’s season

traditional Japanese decorations made with assembled pine branches, stems of bamboo, and sprays of Japanese apricot trees

Many Japanese decorate the front doors of houses, company buildings and shops with a pair of “Kadomatsu” during the New Year’s season.

During the New Year period, Kadomatsu ornaments are placed on both sides of the front entrance of houses.

Kadomatsu is a New Year’s decoration with pine and bamboo that is placed in front of the houses.

Pine symbolizes longevity and prosperity.

Kadomatsu, literally meaning “gate pine,” is placed in pairs in front of houses to welcome Toshigami (the Shinto deity).
(Kadomatsu とは、文字通り「門の松」で、「年神・歳神」を迎えるために家の前に2つの対で置かれます。)

In Japan, Kadomatsu ornaments made with pine and bamboo are set up in front of the house during shōgatsu (the New Year’s season). It is said that Toshigami (the Shinto god) comes down on it.


鏡餅 / Kagami-mochi



New Year’s offering, two rounds of rice cakes (mochi) with an orange on top

Kagami-mochi is two flat, round rice cakes stacked on top of each other and topped with a bitter orange.

offerings to the Sinto gods in the New Year piled up two round rice cakes with an orange on top

traditional Japanese offering to Shinto deities made of two round rice cakes for New Year’s

piled up round-shaped rice cakes offered to Shinto and Buddhist deities on New Year’s season

The name “Kagami” (mirror) was derived from its shape, which resembled a mirror in the old days.

Kagami-mochi is an offering to Shinto gods that has two small round rice cakes and a bitter orange, or mikan on the top.

Kagami-mochi are placed on a special tray called “sanpo.”

獅子舞 / Shishimai



発祥には諸説ありますが、中国をはじめ東アジアでは古来より見られる風習で、英語では一般的に lion dance と訳されます。

“Shishi” means lion and “Mai” means dance.

Shishimai is most commonly translated into English as “lion dance.”

The roots of the Japanese lion dance are said to be China.

a traditional Japanese performance for the New Year in which a person dances to music wearing a lion’s mask

a traditional Japanese New Year’s dance that is performed in a lion costume to bring good luck and dispel evil spirits

a traditional cultural dance performed with a lion’s mask at shrines and other venues across Japan during New Year’s celebrations to ward off evil and bring good luck

Being bitten on the head by a shishimai is regarded as good luck and means good fortune for the new year.


・venue:(コンサート・競技・会議などの) 開催地、会場
・dispel:(心配・恐怖などを) 払いのける、(うわさ・疑いなどを) 晴らす
・ward off:(病気・危険・悪霊などを) 避ける、払う


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