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Festival translates to “Matsuri” in Japanese.
(Festival は日本語で「お祭り」と訳されます。)

Matsuri means a Shinto ritual of praying to or giving thanks to the deities for a rich harvest.

As summer arrives, festivals are taking place everywhere in Japan.

A festival held in shrines and temples is called “En-nichi”.

En-nichi is a day thought to have a special relationship with Gods and Buddha.

Especially in the evening, they are very crowded with people.

There are various kinds of stalls that sell food and games on a festival day.

At the festivals, there are rows of stalls called “yatai” or “demise.”

You can buy your favorite food and enjoy it while walking around.

Typical foods are “Takoyaki,” “Yakisoba,” “Watagashi,” and “Ringo-ame.”

Besides food, you can enjoy other activities at stalls such as “yo-yo,” “kingyo-sukui,” and “shateki.”

At the festivals, you can see a lot of people wearing cotton kimonos called “Yukata.”

Yukata are reasonably priced and good for souvenirs.

盆踊り / Bon-odori

盆踊りは、Bon dance と訳されます。


Japanese summer festival traditions such as Bon-odori (the Bon dance) and fireworks festivals are rooted in Obon, as these were meant to honor the ancestors.

Bon-odori is for holding a memorial service for the spirits of ancestors.

Bon-odori is the Japanese traditional folk dance for praying for the spirits of ancestors that come back during the Bon period.

At night during the period of obon, a scaffold is set up on temple grounds or in a plaza, and people in yukata dance in a circle to the flute and drum music.



神輿 / Mikoshi

御神輿は、portable Shinto shrine または divine palanquin などと訳されます。

There is always “mikoshi” at a Japanese festival.

Many Japanese festivals feature a parade of portable Shinto shrines called “mikoshi” or gorgeously decorated floats called “dashi.”

It is said that portable shrines and floats are the palanquins for the gods.

Mikoshi is a sacred palanquin of a god, and while we are carrying it, the spirit of the god is said to descend to it.

Mikoshi is a portable Shinto shrine, which is carried on the shoulders of local people during a festival.

Mikoshi began in desperate times of epidemic and disaster to purify the neighborhood.

“Koshi” in Japanese means a palanquin, they were widely used by the nobility in the past. So it is called “Mikoshi” because it is God’s “Koshi”.
(Koshi とは日本語で輿のことで、その昔貴族の乗り物として広く使われていました。それで神様の乗り物として「神輿」と呼びます。)

Men wearing headbands and happiness coats carry mikoshi on their shoulders, shouting “Wasshoi, wasshoi.”

Portable shrines are thought to convey the virtues of the gods and bring good luck to local people.

山車 / Dashi

山車(だし)は、英語で float といいます。

“Dashi” is a float decorated with ornaments like dolls and flowers.

It is believed that the spirit of a deity comes down to the Hoko (halberd).

Dashi is a float aimed at accompanying gods in festival parades.

The floats at the Gion Festival in Kyoto are representative examples.


・はっぴ:happi coat (traditional Japanese short jacket worn at a festival)
・股引:long johns
・足袋:Japanese-style socks
・雪駄:(Japanese leather-soled) sandals





焼きそば(yakisoba)stir-fried noodles
たこ焼き(takoyaki)octopus balls
わたあめ(wata-ame)cotton candy
カルメラ焼きfoam candy
べピーカステラJapanese sponge cake
べっこう飴(bekko-ame)bekko candy 
アメリカンドッグcorn dog
りんご飴(ringo-ame)candied apple
チョコバナナchocolate-covered banana
ラムネ(ramune)Japanese soda


金魚すくいscooping goldfish または
goldfish scooping with a paper scooper など
ヨーヨー釣りhooking yo-yos または
water-filled balloon fishing など
スーパーボールすくいbouncy ball scooping
射的(shateki)gun shooting, shooting booth, shooting gallery など
くじ引きlottery stall
うちわtraditional Japanese paper fan または
Japanese hand fan など


Kingyo-sukui, meaning scooping goldfish, is a traditional Japanese game seen at summer festivals all across Japan.

“Kingyo” means goldfish, and “sukui” means scooping.
(Kingyo は金魚で、sukui はすくうことを意味します。)

You use a special tool called “poi,” which is made of a piece of thin paper that can be easily torn when it comes into contact with water.

With the goldfish scooping, the challenge is to catch as many fish as possible before the paper tears.

If you get goldfish, you can take them home in bags provided by the stall.


Shateki is a game where you use a toy rifle to target the prize you want and shoot at it.

The bullet is made of cork, and if you hit the target, you’ll get it as a prize.

花火大会 / Hanabi-taikai



  • fireworks festival
  • fireworks show
  • fireworks display


I want to go to the fireworks display in yukata.

It is said that the origin of fireworks is when niter was discovered in ancient China in the 3rd century BC.

Fireworks and guns were introduced to Japan in the 16th century by the Portuguese.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa regime, is said to be the first person in Japan who saw fireworks.

The oldest recorded fireworks festival in Japan is said to have been the Sumida River Fireworks Festival.

The origin of the festivals was the exhibition of fireworks held competitively between “Tamaya” and “Kagiya,” which were fireworks makers in the Edo Period.

When it becomes summer, fireworks festivals are held in many parts of Japan.

Fireworks festivals are often held on the beaches of seas and rivers.

Fireworks festivals are a summer staple/symbol in Japan.

The various shapes, colors and powerful impact of the fireworks attract huge crowds.

Fireworks are one of the traditional arts of Japan that can be proudly presented to the world.

The spectacle of fireworks blooming and disappearing in a moment can be taken as a symbol of graceful resignation or transiency which so many Japanese people value.




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