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茶道は、sadō でも通じる場合もありますが、一般的には tea ceremony と訳されます。

Sadō is also called “Chanoyu.”

Sadō is translated as tea ceremony in English.
(茶道は tea ceremony英訳されます。)

Ritual tea drinking originated in China.

When Japanese monks and envoys were sent to China to learn about its culture, they brought tea to Japan in the 8th century.

The tea-drinking custom was first practiced by nobles and Zen Buddhist monks.

Sadō is a traditional Japanese culture to entertain guests with tea. It originated in China and became established over the Kamakura and Muromachi Periods, expanding with the spread of Zen Buddhism.

Sadō, a tea ceremony, was established by Sen-no-Rikyū in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period.

Sadō is a custom to invite and entertain others with a serving of green tea and was perfected by a tea master, Sen-no-Rikyū in the 16th century.

Sadō is the traditional etiquette of preparing and drinking matcha green tea.

Sadō is the art of serving tea to guests with a heart of Japanese hospitality.

The art and performance of preparing powdered green tea is called “otemae.”

Otemae is defined down to such minute details as the motion of the fingers.



・down to:〜に至るまで、〜まで下がって
・minute details:細部、極めて細かい部分

The one preparing the tea is called the “teishu (master or host).”

In sadō, powdered tea, different from ordinary Japanese tea, is used.

Teishu pours hot water into a tea bowl, stirs the tea with a chasen, then serves the tea to the guest.

In a formal tea ceremony, a multi-course cuisine called kaiseki is served.

Sadō is held mainly in a special tea ceremony room called “chashitsu.”

The ceremony also includes an aesthetic appreciation of the tea utensils and the decorative displays in the room.

Sen-no-Rikyū brought sadō to perfection by incorporating the philosophy of “wabi sabi” and the heart of “ichigo-ichie.”


bring A to perfection で、「Aを完成させる、完璧にする」という意味になります。

“Ichigo-ichie” means “once in a lifetime,” and to make that encounter important, teishu prepares with sincerity and implements such as tea utensils, a hanging scroll, flowers, a vase and other amenities.

“Wa-Kei-Sei-Jaku” (harmony, respect, purity and tranquility) are the four important spirits of the tea ceremony as described by tea master Sen-no-Rikyū.

The guests know the warm hospitality and show their gratitude to teishu.

The guests enjoy the hanging scroll, flowers, and tea bowl during the tea ceremony.

Japanese confectionery called “ocha-gashi” is served with green tea.

Higashi (dry sweets) or omogashi (fresh sweets) are served with usucha (thin matcha), omogashi are served with koicha (thick matcha).

After Rikyū’s death, tea ceremony schools such as Omote Senke, Ura Senke and Mushanokōji Senke were created by his family.


・美学、審美的な:aesthetic (名/形)
・作法:etiquette または manner (※ etiquette のほうがより洗練されていて「礼儀作法」の意味が強いです)




Incorporating the heart of Zen Buddhism, sadō prizes the aesthetic concept of “wabi sabi,” which represents an important Japanese aesthetic value.

“Wabi sabi” emphasizes subtle taste and elegant refinement.

“Wabi sabi” is the Japanese aesthetic of finding beauty in simplicity and imperfection.

“Wabi sabi” expresses a state of ephemeral beauty and quiet subtlety that avoids being gaudy or showy.

Wabi refers to austere simplicity in daily life, and sabi refers to the appreciation of the old and faded.

Sen-no-Rikyū, the most famous tea master, emphasized simplicity, cleanliness, and tranquility.


茶庭(露地)/ Chatei

茶庭(chatei)teahouse garden
石灯籠(tōrō)stone lantern
飛び石(tobiishi)stepping stones

Tsukubai is a washbasin installed in the entry garden of a tea house.

茶室 / Chashitsu

にじり口(nijiriguchi)guest’s entrance
客畳(kyakudatami)guest’s tatami
茶道口(sadōguchi)host’s entrance
点前畳(temaedatami)host’s tatami
炉(ro)sunken hearth
水屋(mizuya)room for tea and food preparation
中柱(nakabashira)center post
掛け軸(kakejiku)hanging scroll
生花(ikebana)flower arrangements

The decorative elements of the tearoom are minimal, reflecting “wabi” aesthetics.

The guest’s entrance to the room, called “Nijiriguchi,” is small. The action of bowing one’s head through the door is said to reflect a “humble” spirit.




茶碗(chawan)tea bowl
柄杓(hishaku)water ladle
水差し(mizusashi)jug of water
抹茶(matcha)powdered green tea
茶筅(chasen)bamboo tea whisk
茶杓(chashaku)tea scoop
棗(natsume)container for powdered green tea
建水(kensui)basin for used water
懐紙(kaishi)paper sheet または paper napkin the guests bring with them など
菓子楊枝/黒文字(kashi-yōji)pickers for Japanese confectionery 
扇子(sensu)folding fan

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