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Free version of Fairy tale illustrations
The 300 illustrations are divided into 5 pages (the following ①–⑤).
③ Stories written by Hans Christian Andersen
① Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault 1–66
② Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Three Little pigs 67–129
④ King, Queen, Prince, Princess, dwarf, gnome 180–243
⑤ Castles, houses, some objects in fairy tales 244–300
Stories Written by Hans Christian Andersen
The little match girl
It was New Year’s Eve and so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark. People all around were merrymaking and celebrating.
In the cold and the darkness, there walked along the street a poor little girl, wearing torn and ragged clothes, bareheaded, and with no shoes on.
She used to make a living by selling matches on the street. . .
Long ago, there lived a kind woman who was lonely after her husband had died. She longed for a baby and would often say, “How I would love to have a baby girl, even a tiny little one.”
One day, a good witch heard her wish and gave her a little seed to plant in a flowerpot.
When the seed bloomed into a lovely tulip, the woman saw a tiny, beautiful girl inside, no bigger than her thumb.
The woman instantly fell in love with her and called her Thumbelina.
She was so small that she had a walnut shell for a bed and used a rose petal as a blanket. . .
The Little Mermaid
There once lived a Sea King and his six mermaid daughters in the coral palace at the bottom of the sea.
The youngest mermaid was the loveliest among them and had a beautiful voice.
One night, while she was swimming up on the surface of the water and watching ships go by, she saw a young man fall off his ship.
She immediately saved him from drowning. She brought him to the shore and rested him gently against the rock.
She fell in love with this young man. . .
The princess and the pea
Many years ago, there was a prince who wanted to marry a true princess of good upbringing.
One night, there was a dreadful storm. A knock was heard at the palace gate, and the queen opened it.
There stood a princess who was wet and shivering.
She said, “I am a princess but I got caught in this storm. Please, may I stay here tonight?”. . .
The Ugly Duckling
Once upon a time, there lived a duck.
On a beautiful Summer day, she laid some eggs.
After warming them carefully, the duck waited for the eggs to hatch.
As she watched, the eggs began to crack, and lovely ducklings started appearing through the shells one after another.
But one of the ducklings was different. . .
The Emperor’s New Clothe
Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved fashionable clothe.
He kept changing his clothes so that people could admire him.
One day, Two tailors came to the castle, saying that they make clothes that were like no others. . .
Aesop Fables
The North Wind and The Sun
The sun and the north wind had an argument as to who was the greatest power in the world.
They kept arguing with each other and couldn’t make a decision.
Together, they agreed they would settle it with a test.
Below them, a traveler was passing by. . .
The Golden Axe
Long ago, there lived a honest woodcutter in a small village.
One day, while cutting a tree near a river, his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into the river.
“Oh, my axe!” The poor woodcutter did not know what to do, and he started crying.
Just then, Hermes appeared before him and said, “Why are you so sad?”
The woodcutter told him that he had lost his only axe. . .
The dog and its reflection
A dog carrying a piece of meat in its mouth over a bridge looked down into the water and saw its own reflection. . .
Carlo Collodi(1826–1890)
Once upon a time, there was a craftsman called Gepetto who made his living by making puppets.
One evening, he was carving a puppet out of wood in his workshop.
When he was finished, the puppet almost looked real. Gepetto named the puppet Pinocchio. . .
The Happy Prince
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900)
Once, high above the city, on a tall column, stood the statue of a prince, which was gilded with gold.
For eyes, he had two bright sapphires, and a red ruby glowed on his sword hilt.
One day, a swallow came to rest on the feet of the statue. . .
Jack and the Beanstalk
Once upon a time, there lived a poor widow and her son, Jack.
One day, Jack’s mother told him to sell their only cow. On the way to the market, Jack encountered a man who wanted to buy his cow.
Jack asked, “What will you give me in return for my cow?”
The man answered, “I will give you five magic beans!”
Without hesitation, Jack took the beans and gave the man the cow. . .
Beauty and the Beast
Long ago, there lived a merchant and his three daughters.
One day, the merchant was due to go abroad, and he asked his daughters what they wanted on his return.
The elder sisters demanded expensive things, but the third daughter, whose name was Beauty, said, “Father, I only need a rose plucked by your hand.”
On his way back, the merchant got lost in the woods and reached a huge castle. . .
Russian folk stories
The Giant Turnip
Once upon a time, there was an old man.
One day, he planted a seed of turnip in a patch of healthy brown soil.
He cared for the seeds and watered them well every day.
The turnip seeds began to swell. . .
The Golden Fish
Long long time ago, there lived a poor fisherman and his nagging wife.
One day, the fisherman went to the sea and caught a golden fish.
The fish pleaded, “Oh, please let me go! I am the king of the sea! I will grant you any wish!”
The fisherman was surprised to see the golden fish, and he threw him back into the sea.
He went home and told this to his wife, and she became angry. . .
The Blue Bird
Swords and soldier
① Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault 1–66
② Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, The Three Little Pigs 67–129
④ King, Queen, Prince, Princess, dwarf, gnome 180–243
⑤ Castles, houses, some objects in fairy tales 244–300
Images specifications
- Format:PNG
- Background : transparent
- Color profile : sRGB
- Resolution : 300ppi
- Basic canvas size : 15cm x 15cm (vary a little by illustration)
- Download files have no watermark.
- Please decompress the downloaded file before using it.
Price and payment method
- Price:2,500 JPY (set of 300)
- Total file size : 1.1 GB
- Please note that the illustrations are NOT returnable or refundable after purchase.
- Payment method:Credit card via Stripe (https://stripe.com)
Usable currency: Stripe supports processing payments in 135+ currencies.
Available Credit cards:VISA, MasterCard, American Express
Your credit card details are encrypted and securely stored by Stripe and are never entered or stored in RIKA MUSEUM. - Before purchasing, please read Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and How to download the product, carefully.
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Webbook (free)

My travel memoir of Southern Germany with many beautiful photos.
You can read it on this website.
Traveling in Southern Germany (written in Japanese)