
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

英語で説明する日本のお正月 編に続き、今回の記事では、日本の春の行事である「節分」と「豆まき」について、簡単な英語で伝える表現をご紹介していきます。

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旧暦では、立春は「お正月」 として捉えられており、立春から一年が始まっていたのです。


  • seasonal division
  • the eve of the first day of each season
  • the day before the first day of each season
  • the day before the calendric beginning of each season

※ 江戸時代以降は「冬の終わり」を表すようになりました。


  • the first day of spring
  • the beginning of spring
  • the arrival of spring
  • the last day of winter


The word “setsubun” literally means “the parting of the seasons.”

Setsubun refers to the eve of the first day of each season.

Setsubun, or seasonal division, falls on the day before the beginning of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

In old times, there were four setsubun a year.

In the past, the Japanese New Year started on Risshun.

Formerly, the transition from winter to spring was considered the boundary between years.

Setsubun actually signifies “division of the seasons,” especially nowadays it falls on around February 3rd.

Setsubun gradually came to mean only the day before the first day of spring around February 3rd.

Today, setsubun especially refers to the day before the first day of spring.

Today, setsubun indicates the eve of the first day of spring by the old calendar, which is the end of a year.

Setsubun is usually the day before the arrival of spring, and it is the last day of winter.






  • Bean-throwing festival
  • Bean-throwing ceremony
  • Bean-scattering ceremony

In the past, people believed that oni (demon) came when the seasons changed in Japan.

It was necessary to dispel negative things and evil spirits that brought about various plagues before the start of a new season.

The roasted beans used for setsubun are called “fukumame,” which are said to be very effective against evil spirits.

In order to instill God’s power in the beans, they are to be offered/placed on the household altar until Setsubun.

Scattering beans is a purification ritual for starting the new year.

Throwing soybeans represents getting rid of bad luck and welcoming good fortune.

On Setsubun days, people throw away beans with saying, “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi.”

Throwing beans is called “Mamemaki” in Japanese. Mame means “beans,” and maki means “scattering.”
(Throwing beans は日本語で「豆まき」といいます。Mame は「豆」で、maki は「撒くこと」を意味します。)

“Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” means “Demon be gone, happiness come in.”
(Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi は、「鬼は外、福は内」という意味です。)

In Japanese, the word “oni” means evil spirit or demon, and “fuku” means luck and good fortune.

People scatter roasted beans both inside and outside their houses.

It’s common at festivals for someone to dress up as “akaoni” (red devil or ogre).

Some of the little kids get scared and cry when the Oni comes in.

After the beans are thrown, gather them all up and eat as many beans as your age.

It is said that you will be healthy for the whole year by eating the same number of beans as your age plus one more bean.

In western Japan, there is also a custom to hang a “hiiragi-iwashi” (holly branches and a grilled sardine) on the door to prevent the demon from entering the house.


  • Demons out! Happiness in!
  • Demons out! Luck comes in!
  • Out with the demon! In with the happiness!
  • Devils are outside! Luck is inside!




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