
Posted in 英語力強化, 英語学習

英語で説明するお寿司 編 に続き、今回は海外でも大人気のすき焼きやしゃぶしゃぶなど、日本の鍋料理を英語で説明する表現をご紹介していきます。

「食べ物を英語で説明する」というのは、例えば「. . . でできている」「. . . をみじん切りにする」「さっと焼く」「煮込む」「たれにつける」などの英語表現を知っていれば、具材などの単語を入れ替えて、様々なお料理に応用して伝えることができるということです。


その際には、fresh (新鮮な)、tasty (美味しい)、rich taste/flavor (コクのある)、full of flavor (味わい深い) などの表現も織り交ぜてみましょう。

ご興味のある方は、ラーメン編お好み焼き編 もご覧ください。



Japanese pot dish of beef and vegetables

Sukiyaki is a Japanese hot pot dish with beef and vegetables.

Hot pot is a flavorful stew served in large metal pots.
(Hot pot は、大きな金属製の鍋の中で供される風味豊かな煮込み料理です。)

thinly sliced beef cooked in a flat, thick iron pot with various vegetables and tofu (bean curd)

Japanese pot dishes in which beef and vegetables are simmered together in a soy sauce-based broth

sliced beef, vegetables, and tofu (bean curd) are simmered in an iron pot on the table with soy sauce, sake, and sugar

thin slices of beef cooked with vegetables at the table in a salty-sweet broth of soy sauce

Sukiyaki is a popular Japanese pot dish. The main ingredient is thinly sliced beef, which is simmered in an iron pot with sukiyaki sauce, lots of vegetables, and “tofu” (bean curd).

Beef, vegetables and tofu are put into an iron pot, seasoned with soy sauce, sake, and sugar, heated, then dipped into a raw beaten egg to your liking and eaten.

Warishita is a special sauce made with soy sauce, sake, sugar, and other seasonings.



thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled briefly in a hot pot

To eat shabu-shabu, a slice of meat is dipped in boiling broth just for a few seconds.

Dip thinly sliced beef or pork and vegetables quickly in boiling dashi soup. When cooked, eat them with a special dipping sauce.

Shabu-shabu is a Japanese pot dish in which you put a slice of meat, tofu, and vegetables into boiled water and then dip them in ponzu citrus sauce or creamy sesame sauce when you think it’s ready to eat.

Sukiyaki is a Japanese pot dish where we boil thinly sliced meat and vegetables at the table in kelp-based broth and then eat them.

Various ingredients, such as thin slices of meat and vegetables, are quickly boiled in kelp-based broth in a pot and then dipped into ponzu citrus sauce or creamy sesame sauce and eaten.

Ponzu is a sauce made of soy sauce and citrus juice.


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