英語で説明する【端午の節句① − 兜人形と鯉のぼり】

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  • Boys’ Festival
  • Boys’ Day
  • Children’s Day


  • a festival for celebrating boys’ growth and good health
  • an occasion for celebrating a boy growing up

Tango-no-sekku is also called “Boys’ Festival” or “Children’s Day.”

The Boys’ Festival is an annual event held on May 5 that celebrates the healthy growth of male children.

The Boys’ Festival is a day to celebrate the healthy growth of male children.

The Boys’ Day is a Japanese annual event expressing hope that each boy in the family will grow up strong and healthy.

On the Boys’ Festival, families with boys fly carp streamers, called koinobori outside the house, and they display gogatsu-ningyō (a samurai armor doll) or kabuto (a samurai helmet) inside the house.

While the Girl’s Festival is known as “Momo-no-Sekku,” the Boy’s Festival is called “Tango-no-sekku.”

Families with boys display samurai helmets and put up carp streamers to pray for success in life.

At homes with sons, people display a samurai warrior doll called gogatsu-ningyō and raise a carp-shaped streamer called koinobori in the garden.

Families with boys display a samurai helmet replica or a samurai warrior doll inside the house and set up carp streamers outside.

Families with boys celebrate the day by putting up koinobori (carp streamers) outside their homes, displaying kabuto (a samurai warrior helmet) in the room, and eating kashiwa-mochi (rice cakes wrapped in an oak leaf) or chimaki (steamed rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves).

Displaying the samurai warrior’s suit of armor has the meaning of protecting the boys’ bodies.

May 5th is currently known as “Children’s Day.”

“Children’s Day” is one of the national holidays in Japan.

Children’s Day originated as TangoNo-Sekku or Boys’ Day.

In 1948, after World War II, “Tango-no-sekku” was renamed “Kodomo-no-hi” and expanded to include girls.

On that day, eating kashiwa-mochi and chimaki is customary.

In the Kanto (Eastern Japan) area, people eat kashiwa-mochi, while in the Kansai (Western Japan) area, people eat chimaki.



兜は helmet と訳されますが、このままですと日本独特の武士の兜がイメージされにくいので、海外でも有名な samurai(侍)を入れて、

  • samurai warrior helmet
  • samurai armor helmet
  • samurai helmet replica


◆ これと同様に、五月人形の場合は helmetdoll に代えたりして、

  • samurai warrior doll
  • samurai armor doll
  • heroic samurai warrior doll
  • samurai doll in armor
  • doll warrior
  • warrior’s suit of armor



  • doll warrior for Boys’ Day
  • doll displayed for Boys’ Festival
  • dolls for Tango-no-sekku




  • carp streamer
  • carp-shaped streamer
  • carp-shaped wind socks
  • colorful carp kites
  • carp flags
  • flying koi fish

carp は鯉で、streamer とは「吹き流し」のことです。

In Japan, carp is thought to be a lucky fish symbolizing success in life.

Carp have the strength and endurance to swim even up waterfalls and have long been taken as a symbol of success in life.

Carp is said to be a symbol of courage and perseverance to accomplish great deeds.

In ancient China, it was said that if a carp could climb up the waterfall of the Yellow River, it would turn into a dragon god.

柏餅 / Kashiwa-mochi


  • rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves
  • rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves with sweet adzuki bean paste inside

Since oak leaves don’t fall until the shoots grow, they are regarded as a symbol of prosperity.


ちまき / Chimaki


  • steamed rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves
  • a kind of dumpling made of glutinous rice that is wrapped in a bamboo leaf and steamed

Chimaki is traditionally eaten on May 5th, Children’s Day, in Western Japan.

菖蒲湯 / Shōbu-yu

端午の節句の由来 でも触れましたが、菖蒲や蓬などの薬草は、昔から厄除けや健康のために用いられていたため、今でもその風習が残り、こどもの日には菖蒲湯に入ることも少なくありません。

「菖蒲湯」は、以下のような言い方があります。動詞には take を使います

  • a sweet-flag bath
  • a bath with sweet flags
  • a bath scented with iris leaves
  • a bath with iris roots and leaves
  • a bath with the leaves of the sweet flag

On Children’s Day, people take a bath with the leaves of sweet flag, which is believed to be a medicinal herb for driving away evil spirits.

The day features the traditional custom of taking a bath with sweet flags, plants reputed to have medicinal qualities.

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